



我正在尝试将一个数据框 df 乘以一个向量 v ,以便产品是数据框,其中 i 行由 df [i,] * v 给出。我可以这样做,例如,通过

I'm trying to multiply a data frame df by a vector v, so that the product is a data frame, where the i-th row is given by df[i,]*v. I can do this, for example, by

df <- data.frame(A=1:5, B=2:6); v <- c(0,2)
as.data.frame(t(t(df) * v))
   A  B
1  0  4
2  0  6
3  0  8
4  0 10
5  0 12


I am sure there has to be a more R-style approach (and a very simple one!), but nothing comes on my mind. I even tried something like

apply(df, MARGIN=1, function(x) x*v)

但仍然是不可读的结构,如 as.data.frame(t(。))是必需的。


but still, non-readable constructions like as.data.frame(t(.)) are required.
How can I find an efficient and elegant workaround here?




在该解决方案中,您正在利用 data.frame 是一种列表,所以您可以迭代 df v 同时使用 mapply

In that solution, you are taking advantage of the fact that data.frame is a type of list, so you can iterate over both the elements of df and v at the same time with mapply.

不幸的是,您可以从 mapply 中输出的内容:简单列表矩阵。如果你的数据很大,这可能会更有效:

Unfortunately, you are limited in what you can output from mapply: as simple list, or a matrix. If your data are huge, this would likely be more efficient:


因为它会将其转换为列表,它更有效地转换为 data.frame

Because it would convert it to a list, which is more efficient to convert to a data.frame.


09-01 19:18