





  INT B:
}栏;typedef结构_baz {
  INT B:
}巴兹;INT主(INT ARGC,字符常量*的argv [])
  巴兹℃;  返回0;




第一个声明是联合国 - 的typedef ED 结构,需要在结构关键字使用。第二个是一个的typedef ED匿名结构,所以我们使用的typedef 名称。第三个结合了第一和第二:你的例子使用巴兹(这是方便短),但可以很容易地使用结构_baz 达到同样的效果。

更新:larsmans'答案提到,你必须至少使用 A更常见的情形结构X {} 来使一个链表。第二种情况是不可能在这里(除非你放弃理智,并使用无效* 代替),因为结构是匿名的,而的typedef 不会发生,直到结构的定义,让你没有办法让一个(类型安全的)指针结构类型本身。第一个版本用于该用途的工作正常,但第三个一般为$以我的经验pferred p $。给他一些代表为。

一个更微妙的区别是在命名空间中的位置。在C,结构标签被放置在一个单独的命名空间与其他的名字,但的typedef 的名字都没有。所以下面是合法的:




的typedef 使得短名称(总是一个加号),但将其放在同一个名字空间的变量和函数。通常这不是一个问题,但它超越了简单的缩短一个微妙的差异。

I've seen C structs declared several different ways before. Why is that and what, if anything, does each do different?

For example:

struct foo {
  short a;
  int b;
  float c;

typedef struct {
  short d;
  int e;
  float f;
} bar;

typedef struct _baz {
  short a;
  int b;
  float c;
} baz;

int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
  struct foo a;
  bar b;
  baz c;

  return 0;

Well, the obvious difference is demonstrated in your main:

struct foo a;
bar b;
baz c;

The first declaration is of an un-typedefed struct and needs the struct keyword to use. The second is of a typedefed anonymous struct, and so we use the typedef name. The third combines both the first and the second: your example uses baz (which is conveniently short) but could just as easily use struct _baz to the same effect.

Update: larsmans' answer mentions a more common case where you have to use at least struct x { } to make a linked list. The second case wouldn't be possible here (unless you abandon sanity and use a void * instead) because the struct is anonymous, and the typedef doesn't happen until the struct is defined, giving you no way to make a (type-safe) pointer to the struct type itself. The first version works fine for this use, but the third is generally preferred in my experience. Give him some rep for that.

A more subtle difference is in namespace placement. In C, struct tags are placed in a separate namespace from other names, but typedef names aren't. So the following is legal:

struct test {
  // contents

struct test *test() {
  // contents

But the following is not, because it would be ambiguous what the name test is:

typedef struct {
  // contents
} test;

test *test() {
  // contents

typedef makes the name shorter (always a plus), but it puts it in the same namespace as your variables and functions. Usually this isn't an issue, but it is a subtle difference beyond the simple shortening.


09-01 19:17