

我创建了一个带有11个API应用程序的ASE,它们都共享相同的托管计划.  然后,我向每个应用程序添加了开发和部署插槽.  输入"dev"后,对于其中一个插槽名称,它是使用http://myapp-dev5e21 .....

I've created an ASE with 11 API Apps in it, they all share the same hosting plan.   I then added dev and deploy slots to each application.  After entering "dev" for one of the slot names, it gets created with http://myapp-dev5e21.....

Url和插槽名称添加了"5e21",的名字.  我意识到这些需求必须独特,但确实如此.  对于其他10个应用程序,它运行正常,只是其中一个导致了此问题.  如果我删除并重新创建广告位,则会更改为另一个 随机字符集..

The Url and slot name has added "5e21" to the name.   I realize these need to be unique, but they are.  It worked OK for the other 10 apps, its just one causing this problem.  If I delete and recreate the slot it changes to another random set of characters..

在私有ASE中,Url显然是唯一的.   UI甚至在更改之前就说确定".

The Url is obviously unique as its in a private ASE.  The UI even says it OK, before it changes it.


Hard to stick to naming conventions when Azure randomly changes the slot name.



The same thing happens trying to create the slot with PowerShell

New-AzureRmWebAppSlot-名称预测-ResourceGroupName CF-ASE-插槽开发

New-AzureRmWebAppSlot -Name forecast -ResourceGroupName CF-ASE -Slot dev

创建-> Forecast-dev0a9c ......

Creates -> forecast-dev0a9c......



09-01 18:44