

GTK提供了像API这样的poll(2),所以技术上应该是可能的。 Qt提供了自己的网络层,但我更愿意使用为Boost.Asio编写的现有代码。



编辑 b

我想澄清几件事情,以使答案更容易。 Qt和GTKmm都提供
select like功能:

Boost.Asio io_service 。今天,Boost.Asio可以使用select,kqueue,epoll,/ dev / poll和iocp作为反应器/ proactor服务。我想将它集成到GUI框架的主循环中。



这是一个相当古老的问题,但对于那些现在正在阅读的人,我想分享,它是用于boost :: asio的QAbstractEventDispatcher的一个实现。

您只需要在创建QApplication之前添加以下行(通常是在main ))。

  QApplication :: setEventDispatcher(new QAsioEventDispatcher(my_io_service)); 

这会导致io_service与qt应用程序在一个线程中一起运行,而没有额外的延迟和性能(像解决方案中不时调用io_service :: poll())。

不幸的是,我的解决方案仅适用于posix系统,因为它使用asio :: posix :: stream_descriptor。 Windows支持可能需要完全不同的方法或非常相似 - 我不知道。

Is there any way to integrate Boost.Asio with Qt4 (preferred) or GTK main loop?GTK provides poll(2) like API so technically is should be possible. Qt provides its own networking layer, however I prefer to use existing code written for Boost.Asio.I want to integrate them without using an additional thread.

Is there any reference how to do this for Qt4 (preferred) or GTKmm?



I want to clearify several things to make the answer easier. Both Qt and GTKmm provide"select like" functionality:

So, the question is, how to integrate existing "selectors/pollers" as reactor toBoost.Asio io_service. Today, Boost.Asio can use select, kqueue, epoll, /dev/poll and iocp as reactor/proactor service. I want to integrate it to the main-loop of GUI framework.

Any suggestions and solutions (better) are welcome.


It's rather old question but for those who are reading it now I would like to share my code which is an implementation of QAbstractEventDispatcher for boost::asio.

All you need is to add the following line before creating QApplication (usually it's in main()).

QApplication::setEventDispatcher(new QAsioEventDispatcher(my_io_service));

It will cause, that io_service is being run together with qt application in one thread without additional latency and performance drop (like in solution with calling io_service::poll() "from time to time").

Unfortunately, my solution is for posix systems only, since it use asio::posix::stream_descriptor . Windows support may need completely different approach or quite similar - I don't really know.


09-01 18:44