

本文介绍了Android的runOnUiThread / AsyncTask的无法解析CalledFromWrongThreadException的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm working for an Android app and implementing a ProgressBar by using AsyncTask class.


The problem is that on some devices, it causes "CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views." in onPostExecute. On those devices, the problem occurs 100%. On other devices, it works fine.

public final class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String>
    private ProgressBar progress;
    private ListActivity activity;

    public MyAsyncTask(ListActivity activity, ProgressBar progress)
        this.progress = progress;
        this.activity = activity;

    protected void onPreExecute()

    protected String doInBackground(String[] arg0)
        // getting xml via httpClient
        return string;

    protected void onPostExecute(String result)


I don't understand why onPostExecute does not run on the UI thread, on those certain devices.


Next, I tried to call it with runOnUiThread, to make absolutely sure that it runs on the UI thread.

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        ProgressBar progress = (ProgressBar)findViewById(R.id.some_view_progressbar);
        MyAsyncTask task = new MyAsyncTask(activity, progress);
} );


Even this did not solve the problem. The same exception still occurs.


From Log, I confirmed that Thread.currentThread().getId() is certainly different from the app's main activity's thread inside the handler.

我卡住了。任何意见将是AP preciated。

I'm stuck. Any advice will be appreciated.


NOTE:I edited the sample code (not a real code) above to fix the wrong method name and missing "return string".I will add more information later.


我不明白的任何 MyAsyncTask 本身,但有还是其他的东西,可能会出错。

I don't see anything wrong with MyAsyncTask itself, but there are still other things that can go wrong.



There are a few threading rules that must be followed for this class to work properly:

  • 的AsyncTask的类必须在UI线程上加载。这是因为JELLY_BEAN的自动完成。

  • 任务实例必须在UI线程上创建的。

  • 执行(参数...)必须在UI线程调用。

  • 请不要在preExecute(),onPostExecute(结果),doInBackground(参数...),onProgressUpdate(进展...)手动。
  • 打电话
  • 任务只能执行一次(如果第二次尝试执行一个异常将被抛出。)


您不显示在您的正常的实例,以及执行任务,所以请确保您在code这已经是UI /主线程上做到这一点。需要注意的是上述第一点或许可以解释为什么这对你的作品在某些设备上,而不是其他。

You don't show where you normally instantiate, and execute the task, so make sure that you do this in code that's already on the UI/main thread. Note that the first bullet point above might explain why this works for you on some devices, and not on others.




and you're assuming that this is because your async task is (strangely) trying to modify the UI on a background thread. However, it is possible that you get this error because the async task modifies the UI on the main thread, but the UI (ProgressBar) was not created correctly in the first place.


See this question for an example of how you can erroneously create the view on the wrong thread (anything other than the main thread), and get this same error.


I would, however, like to see exactly where you are logging the thread ID, and what value(s) you're getting. If you check out my first two suggestions, and they don't solve your problem, then we may need more information.

您也提到一个(?),但不要 T显示如何或在哪里,你使用它。通常情况下,使用的AsyncTask 不再需要使用处理程序,所以我有点担心你会如何使用这一点。

You also mention a Handler (?), but don't show how or where you use that. Normally, using AsyncTask removes the need to use Handler, so I'm a little worried about how you might be using that.

每在下面评论的讨论中,它看起来像这里的问题是讨论的。有些code,可能在后台线程运行时,首先引起的AsyncTask 加载的。发生在主线程中的原始(pre-Jelly Bean)的实施的AsyncTask 所需的类加载(如上面的线程规则自提)。最简单的解决方法是添加在主线程code(如应用#的onCreate())的部队早,确定性的类加载AsyncTask的

Per the discussion in comments below, it looks like the issue here is the one discussed in this question. Some code, probably running on a background thread, is first to cause the AsyncTask class to be loaded. The original (pre-Jelly Bean) implementation of AsyncTask required class loading to occur on the main thread (as mentioned in the Threading Rules above). The simple workaround is to add code on the main thread (e.g. in Application#onCreate()) that forces early, deterministic class loading of AsyncTask:


这篇关于Android的runOnUiThread / AsyncTask的无法解析CalledFromWrongThreadException的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 18:41