



我知道这个问题多次在 StackOverflow 上问过,但我无法在我的应用中设置闹钟,因为我对iOS很新?我正在按照本教程设置警报:

I know this question has asked many times on StackOverflow but i couldn't able to set alarm in my app because i am very new to iOS? I am following this tutorial to set an alarm:


However, it doesn't seems to be working for me.

我需要每天设置闹钟,让我们每天说 5.00 PM 。我不能使用日期选择器来选择时间。

I am in need to set alarm daily lets say 5.00 PM daily. I can't use date picker for choosing the time.


  1. 首先在你的 xib ,(或代码)设置日期选择器模式:时间(默认为日期和时间)

  1. First on your xib, (or code) set the date picker mode: Time (Default is date & time)


The system assumes that the firedate is the current date, and the time is the time the user have chosen. This is not a problem because you set a repeat interval so it will work. I have tested it.

UILocalNotification *localNotif = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
[localNotif setFireDate:datePicker.date];
[localNotif setRepeatInterval:NSDayCalendarUnit];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:localNotif];

PS:这是一个好主意使用 NSDateComponents 类将秒设置为 0 ,以便将闹钟设置为在您的第一分钟响铃想。您可以查看:

PS: It would be a good idea to set the seconds to 0 using NSDateComponents class so as to set the alarm to ring at the first second of the minute you want. You can check the:


tutorial you posted on how to do this.


09-01 18:22