




    &所述; /意图滤光器>
< /接收器>


{ preFS = context.getShared preferences(我的preFS,Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
            Log.d(MAYUR,&其中;&所述; wallpepar改变>>中);
            如果( prefs.getLong(temp_for_change,1)== 0)
                共享preferences.Editor E = prefs.edit();




        // TODO自动生成方法存根
        mytimer =新的Timer();
        WPM = WallpaperManager.getInstance(change_wallpepar.this);

    公众诠释onStartCommand(意向意图,诠释标志,INT startId)
        // TODO自动生成方法存根
        我的preFS = getShared preferences(我的preFS,MODE_PRIVATE);
        INTERVALL =我的prefs.getLong(someValue中,60000);


        DisplayImageOptions defaultOption =新DisplayImageOptions.Builder().cacheInMemory(true).cacheOnDisk(true).bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565).build();


                    wpm.setBitmap(ImageLoader.getInstance()loadImageSync(文件://+ path_of_wallpepar.get(脾气)));



                如果(脾气== path_of_wallpepar.size())
                    脾气= 0;

                共享preferences.Editor E = prefs.edit();

                Log.e(MAYUR,wallpepar seted);




    公众的IBinder onBind(意向意图)
        // TODO自动生成方法存根


        振动器V =(震动)getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);



  ## logcat的##
11月4号至16号:06:30.654:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:06:34.636:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:06:59.584:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:07:03.551:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:07:30.078:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:07:33.979:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:07:59.433:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:08:03.340:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:08:30.029:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:08:33.933:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:08:59.481:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:09:03.383:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:09:30.066:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:09:33.966:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:09:59.448:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:10:03.353:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:10:3​​0.049:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:10:3​​3.955:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:10:59.455:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:11:03.350:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:11:30.182:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:11:34.177:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:11:59.406:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:12:03.315:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:30.025:E / MAYUR(3405):wallpepar seted
11月4号至16号:12:33.929:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:34.103:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:34.298:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:34.497:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:34.676:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:34.854:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:35.022:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:35.190:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:35.355:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:35.522:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:35.683:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:35.852:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:36.023:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:36.187:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:36.350:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>
11月4号至16号:12:36.513:D / MAYUR(3405):其中;&其中; wallpepar改变>>


重复 WALLPAPER_CHANGED 呼叫通过在图像上运行的作物规模的周期,以适应较小的Andr​​oid设备引起的屏幕。这在 AOSP code 。你是不太可能看到此行为时,屏幕比例符合或大于形象,因此为什么平板电脑不会出现这种行为。


 长lastExec = System.currentTimeMillis的();

{ preFS = context.getShared preferences(我的preFS,Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
          如果(System.currentTimeMillis的() -  lastExec> 1000)
            Log.d(MAYUR,&其中;&所述; wallpepar改变>>中);
            如果( prefs.getLong(temp_for_change,1)== 0)
                共享preferences.Editor E = prefs.edit();
          lastExec = System.currentTimeMillis的();

I have a BroadcastReceiver and declared it like this:

    android:exported="true" >
    <intent-filter android:priority="999" >
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.WALLPAPER_CHANGED" />

and the receiver is:

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent)
    change_wallpepar.myPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences("myPrefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable()
        public void run()
            Log.d("MAYUR", "<< wallpepar changed >>");
            if (change_wallpepar.myPrefs.getLong("temp_for_change", 1) == 0)
                context.stopService(new Intent(context, change_wallpepar.class));
                SharedPreferences.Editor e = change_wallpepar.myPrefs.edit();
                e.putLong("temp_for_change", 0);
    }, 4000);

When I change the wallpaper here it should be called once. It is really working as by my expectations for a while, after some minutes it calls onreceive() multiple (10-18) times, even though the change in wallpaper is done once. Even more strange about this is that it is working fine on a Samsung Galaxy tablet version 4.4.2, but not working on Motorola (Moto E 4.4.4).

My service:

public class change_wallpepar extends Service {

    public void onCreate()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        mytimer = new Timer();
        wpm = WallpaperManager.getInstance(change_wallpepar.this);

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId)
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        myPrefs = getSharedPreferences("myPrefs", MODE_PRIVATE);
        intervall = myPrefs.getLong("someValue", 60000);

        path_of_wallpepar.add("" + "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/WallpeparAppHistoryPhotos/514.jpg");
        path_of_wallpepar.add("" + "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/WallpeparAppHistoryPhotos/513.jpg");

        DisplayImageOptions defaultOption = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder().cacheInMemory(true).cacheOnDisk(true).bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565).build();
        ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(change_wallpepar.this).defaultDisplayImageOptions(defaultOption).build();

        mytimer.schedule(new TimerTask()
            public void run()

                    wpm.setBitmap(ImageLoader.getInstance().loadImageSync("file://" + path_of_wallpepar.get(temper)));

                catch (IOException e)


                if (temper == path_of_wallpepar.size())
                    temper = 0;

                SharedPreferences.Editor e = change_wallpepar.myPrefs.edit();
                e.putLong("temp_for_change", 1);

                Log.e("MAYUR", "wallpepar seted");

        }, 0, intervall);

        return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);


    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        return null;

    public void onDestroy()
        Toast.makeText(this, "Service Destroyed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Vibrator v = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);


My Logcat output is:

## Logcat ##
04-16 11:06:30.654: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:06:34.636: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:06:59.584: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:07:03.551: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:07:30.078: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:07:33.979: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:07:59.433: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:08:03.340: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:08:30.029: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:08:33.933: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:08:59.481: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:09:03.383: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:09:30.066: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:09:33.966: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:09:59.448: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:10:03.353: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:10:30.049: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:10:33.955: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:10:59.455: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:11:03.350: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:11:30.182: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:11:34.177: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:11:59.406: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:12:03.315: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:30.025: E/MAYUR(3405): wallpepar seted
04-16 11:12:33.929: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:34.103: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:34.298: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:34.497: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:34.676: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:34.854: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:35.022: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:35.190: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:35.355: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:35.522: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:35.683: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:35.852: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:36.023: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:36.187: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:36.350: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>
04-16 11:12:36.513: D/MAYUR(3405): << wallpepar changed >>

The repeated WALLPAPER_CHANGED calls are caused by smaller Android devices running crop-scale cycles on the image to fit the screen. This is observed in the AOSP code. You're less likely to see this behavior when the screen ratio fits or is bigger than the image, hence why the tablet doesn't exhibit this behavior.

You can fix this problem by double-checking for signs of the unwanted behavior:

long lastExec = System.currentTimeMillis();

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent)
    change_wallpepar.myPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences("myPrefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable()
        public void run()
            Log.d("MAYUR", "<< wallpepar changed >>");
            if (change_wallpepar.myPrefs.getLong("temp_for_change", 1) == 0)
                context.stopService(new Intent(context, change_wallpepar.class));
                SharedPreferences.Editor e = change_wallpepar.myPrefs.edit();
                e.putLong("temp_for_change", 0);
          lastExec = System.currentTimeMillis();
    }, 4000);


09-01 18:20