

我正在尝试反序列化从查询返回的 json.基本上我的 json 有这个结构:

I'm trying to deserialize a json returned from a query. Essentially my json have this structure:


现在反序列化 json 我使用 Newtonsoft.Json 库用于 .Net我将json作为参数传递给这个函数:

Now for deserialize the json I use Newtonsoft.Json library for .NetI pass the json to this function as parameter:

 Sub Working_Plan_Deserialize(ByVal wp As String)

    Dim working_plan = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of WorkWeek)(wp)

End Sub



现在 WorkWeek 类声明如下:

Public Class WorkDay

    Public Property starttime As String
    Public Property endtime As String
    Public Property breaks As New List(Of Break)

End Class

Public Class Break

    Public Property starttime As String
    Public Property endtime As String

End Class

Public Class WorkWeek

    Public Property monday As WorkDay
    Public Property tuesday As WorkDay
    Public Property wednesday As WorkDay
    Public Property thursday As WorkDay
    Public Property friday As WorkDay
    Public Property saturday As WorkDay
    Public Property sunday As WorkDay

    Public Sub New()
        monday = New WorkDay
        tuesday = New WorkDay
        wednesday = New WorkDay
        thursday = New WorkDay
        friday = New WorkDay
        saturday = New WorkDay
        sunday = New WorkDay
    End Sub

End Class


What I'm trying to do is iterate on the object returned, that's have this structure:

你怎么能看到我有工作日,所以我想访问每一天并将属性作为休息时间或开始和结束时间.我怎么能做到这一点?实际上 for each 在迭代中需要特定的一天,我不能每天有 7 个循环.

How you can see I've the week days, so I want access to each days and get the property as break or the start and end time. How I can achieve this? Actually the for each need a specific day in the iteration and I can't have 7 loop for each day.


您的 WorkWeek 对象一直都是平面对象.它不是一个集合,所以你不能迭代它.您可以反序列化为 Dictionary 形式:

Your WorkWeek object is a flat object of all the days. It is not a collection, so you cant iterate it. You can deserialize to the Dictionary form though:

Dim result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, WorkDay))(jstr)


However, the order of Dictionaries is unspecified so to iterate in order, you need something like:

Private DayNames As String() = {"sunday", "monday"...}


For Each day As String in DayNames
     Dim thisDay = result(day)

thisDay 将是指定日期的 WorkDay 对象.

thisDay would be a WorkDay object for the day specified.

最后,调试显示的信息量不是很大,但没有太多可报告的.如果单击箭头,它应该显示每个 WorkDay 对象的数据.您可以覆盖 ToString() 但在这些 WorkDay 对象中没有什么特别的报告:他们甚至不知道他们是哪一天.

Finally, the debug display is not very informative, but there is not much to report on them. If you click the arrows, it should display the data for each WorkDay object. You could override ToString() but there is nothing distinctive to report in those WorkDay objects: they do not even know what day they are for.

其中一些原因是您从一个非常具体的 json 布局开始,并由此驱动了 VB 应用程序.否则可能会更容易.

Some of this is driven by the fact that you started with a very specific json layout and drove the VB app from that. Put together otherwise it might have been easier.


09-01 18:17