


I want to access multiple databases depending on the 'database.name' attribute sent in the input flowfile to ExecuteGroovyStript processor.

在"ExecuteGroovyStript"处理器中,我有一个属性"SQL.clientdb",它指向查找"服务.同时,我已经调试了一个"DBCPConnectionPool"服务,该服务具有所有必需的详细信息及其名称"属性,类似于"database.name"的值.我尝试访问池服务的方式是: def clientDb = SQL.clientdb.getConnection(flowFile.getAttributes())

In 'ExecuteGroovyStript' processor I have a property 'SQL.clientdb' which point to 'lookup' service. At the same time I have commissioned a 'DBCPConnectionPool' service with all the required details and its 'name' property similar to value of 'database.name'.The way in which I'm trying to access the pool service is: def clientDb = SQL.clientdb.getConnection(flowFile.getAttributes())

运行Groovy处理器后收到的错误是 org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException:属性必须包含属性名称"database.name":org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException:属性必须包含属性名称"database.name"

Error which I receive after running the Groovy processor isorg.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: Attributes must contain an attribute name 'database.name': org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: Attributes must contain an attribute name 'database.name'


Please find below links of images which shows further details:

  1. "ExecuteScript"的配置
  2. 连接池服务
  3. 输入文件的属性


检查其他详细信息 ExecuteGroovyScript处理器

对于所有 SQL.* 参数,在触发时自动从相应的连接池获取与数据库的连接.和 SQL.xxx 变量引用 groovy.sql.Sql对象

For all SQL.* parameters connection to the database obtained from corresponding connection pool automatically on trigger. And SQL.xxx variable references groovy.sql.Sql object

如果要访问任何控制器服务,请在参数中使用 CTL.前缀.

If you want to access any controller service - use CTL. prefix for your parameter.

在这种情况下,变量 CTL.xxx 直接提供了到ControllerService的链接.

In this case the variable CTL.xxx provides a link to a ControllerService directly.


09-01 18:06