


Here is a pen for what I have so far. I've been using CSS3 however I'm open to using other methods if it will work better:

.userAttributes > .attributeGroup > .favoriteArtistsAttr {
  max-width: 74%;
  animation: marquee 10s linear infinite;

@keyframes marquee {
  0%   { text-indent: 0; }
  100% { text-indent: -100%; }

我希望选框开始重复, p的末端已滑入框架。

I'd like the marquee to begin repeating itself the moment that as the end of the p has slid into frame. I also need the marque to stop with a mousover and be scrollable (this part works already).


I've updated your originally linked example fiddle with your 'genres' heading:http://codepen.io/anon/pen/oxEPeZ


What I've noticed is that your markup you provided is a bit wrong, so going on the original this is what's happening:


The title block should be in it's own separate div. I've set my version of your title to float to the left of the marquee div.

然后,选框div需要足够宽,以包含所有的文本 - 我将它设置为500px,所以当它们达到容器的最大宽度时,这些项目不会开始堆叠。

Then, the marquee div needs to be wide enough to contain all the text- I set it to 500px so the items don't start stacking when they reach the maximum width of the container.

之后,您需要确保您拥有两个跨越您的内容。在你工作的链接中,每个项目列表只有一个段落标签。 这是它不重复的主要原因

After that, you need to make sure you have two spans with your content. In your link you were working on, you only had one paragraph tag for each list of items. That's the main reason why it wasn't repeating.


So now, our markup for just the Genre section looks like this:

<div class="title">

<div class="marquee">
    <span><a>Electronic</a>, <a>Bluegrass</a>, Classic Rock, Funk, Jam Band, Jazz, Classical</span>
    <span><a>Electronic</a>, <a>Bluegrass</a>, Classic Rock, Funk, Jam Band, Jazz, Classical</span>

我已经把字幕和标题到一个容器div和重复它为最喜爱的艺术家.. ..(这可以被命名什么的,但我在这里所做的是用保证金底创建的每个项目下面的空间,而不是< BR> 标记)。

I've put the marquee and title into a container div and duplicated it for the favourite artists.... (this can be named whatever, but what I have done here is used margin-bottom to create the space below each item, instead of <br> tags).Because our second ticker has more content, I've added another class called 'stretched' to give the marquee more width.


I know I haven't directly edited your fiddle sorry, however hopefully this helps get you out of trouble.


09-01 17:40