




I have a problem when using Fabric to mimic my SSH workflow to deploy my web application.


Here's my usual flow of commands when I SSH to a server:

  1. 使用root用户的SSH. ssh [email protected]
  2. 切换到Web用户:su-web
  3. 更改目录:cd/srv/web/prod/abc_project
  4. 启动virtualenv:workon abc_env
  5. 执行git pull:git pull原始主机
  6. 运行脚本:build_stuff -m build
  7. 运行另一个脚本:./run


I tried to write this as a deploy script in Fabric and I get a shell output when su - web is entered. I have to hit Ctrl-D to continue the script. I am also unable to activate my virtualenv....because: su - web successfully switches the user to web but because of the Ctrl-d (so that I can continue the Fabric script), it logs out of that user and back to root.


env.user = 'root'

def deploy():
    dev_path = '/srv/web/prod'
    app_path = '/srv/web/prod/rhino'
    workon = 'workon rhino_env'
    with prefix('su - web'):
        puts('Switched to `web` user')
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            run('kill -9 `cat /srv/web/run/rhino/rhino.pid`')
            puts('Stopped rhino...')
        with cd(app_path):
            run('git reset --hard HEAD')
            puts('Discarded all untracked and modified files')
            run('git checkout master')
            run('git pull origin master')
            users = run('users')
            puts('Output from `users` command: %s' % users)
            run('build_assets -m build')
        run('cd %(dev_path)s; chown -R web:ebalu rhino' % {'dev_path': dev_path})
        run('cd %(app_path)s; ./run' % {'app_path': app_path})
        pid = run('cat /srv/web/run/rhino/rhino.pid')
        puts('Rhino started again with pid: %s.' % pid)


...there's one more thing: No, I can't login as web initially, I have to login as root. It is the web user that has the virtualenv not the root user.


首先,在由另一个用户执行命令时,应使用sudo.其次,workon设置当前shell的环境变量.由于结构会为每个命令调用新的Shell,因此您应该在每个需要virtualenv(即作为前缀)的命令中运行workon rhino_env.进行此修改后,您的代码应如下所示:

First of all, you should use sudo when executing commands under another user. Second, workon sets environment variables for current shell. Since fabric invokes new shell for every command, you should run workon rhino_env in every command, where you need virtualenv (i.e. as prefix). With this edits yor code should look like this:

env.user = 'root'

def deploy():
    dev_path = '/srv/web/prod'
    app_path = '/srv/web/prod/rhino'
    workon = 'workon rhino_env; '
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run('kill -9 `cat /srv/web/run/rhino/rhino.pid`')
        puts('Stopped rhino...')
    with cd(app_path):
        sudo('git reset --hard HEAD', user='web')
        puts('Discarded all untracked and modified files')
        sudo('git checkout master', user='web')
        sudo('git pull origin master', user='web')
        users = run('users')
        puts('Output from `users` command: %s' % users)

        with prefix(workon):
            sudo('build_assets -m build', user='web')
    with cd(dev_path):
        run('chown -R web:ebalu rhino')

    with cd(app_path):
        sudo('./run', user='web')

    pid = run('cat /srv/web/run/rhino/rhino.pid')
    puts('Rhino started again with pid: %s.' % pid)


09-01 17:30