


I'm having an orientation issue with a Live Wallpaper that I wrote. Basically the canvas will rotate depending on the application opened above it. I tested this and realized that the onSurfaceChanged() method is firing when I return to the home screen from a previously opened application who's orientation was changed.


I suppose a better question would be, why does my Live Wallpaper Surface Change when an application is opened and it's orientation changed? Is there a way to prevent my Live Wallpaper orientation from ever changing? Thanks, hope that makes sense?



Android application restarts the activity when the orientation changes.You can either use

  1. 机器人:configChanges 在你的清单。该活动被关闭,在默认情况下重新启动,当配置更改在运行时发生,但在宣布的配置与此属性将prevent活动被重新启动。相反,活动仍然运行和 onConfigurationChanged()方法被调用。
  2. 使用机器人:screenOrientatin =人像风景这将迫使应用程序到您指定的模式下运行。然而,它不会prevent从活动被关闭并重新启动。
  1. android:configChanges in your manifest. The activity is shut down and restarted by default, when a configuration change occurs at runtime, but declaring a configuration with this attribute will prevent the activity from being restarted. Instead, the activity remains running and its onConfigurationChanged() method is called.
  2. use android:screenOrientatin = "portrait" or "landscape" it will force the app to run in the mode you specify. However it will not prevent the activity from being shut down and restarted.


09-01 17:12