本文介绍了为什么ñ++比N = N + 1执行速度更快?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在C语言中,为什么ñ++ 执行比快N = N + 1

In C language, Why does n++ execute faster than n=n+1?

(int n=...;  n++;)
(int n=...;  n=n+1;)

我们的教练要求在今天的类问题。 (这不是做作业)

Our instructor asked that question in today's class. (this is not homework)



That would be true if you are working on a "stone-age" compiler...

++ñ高N ++ 快于 N = N + 1

机通常有增加x 以及添加一个const,以X

In case of "stone-age":
++n is faster than n++ is faster than n=n+1
Machine usually have increment x as well as add const to x

  • 的情况下,N + ,你将有2个内存访问只(读N,INC N,写N)

  • 的情况下,N = N + 1 ,你将有3内存访问(读取n,读常量,添加n和常量,写N)

  • In case of n++, you will have 2 memory access only (read n, inc n, write n )
  • In case of n=n+1, you will have 3 memory access (read n, read const, add n and const, write n)

但是,今天的编译器会自动转换 N = N + 1 ++ñ,它会做更多比你可以想象!

But today's compiler will automatically convert n=n+1 to ++n, and it will do more than you may imagine!!


Also on today's out-of-order processors -despite the case of "stone-age" compiler- runtime may not be affected at all in many cases!!


这篇关于为什么ñ++比N = N + 1执行速度更快?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 17:04