本文介绍了我需要Spring 5 for Java 9吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Spring 5被提升为支持JDK 9,同时Spring 4.3.13的文档声明它支持 。

Spring 5 is promoted as "with support for JDK 9", meanwhile the documentation for Spring 4.3.13 states that it supports Java 8 (as well as 6 and 7).

这是否意味着我需要升级到Spring 5才能

Does this mean that I need to upgrade to Spring 5 before I can

  • 在JRE 9中运行我的应用程序?

  • 使用JDK 9编译我的应用程序?



On ,他们宣布Spring 4.2将支持Java 7和8(它在4.3中没有变化),他们也表示Spring 5将支持Java 9。


On the official Spring blog, they announced that Spring 4.2 would support Java 7 and 8 (it didn't change in 4.3), and they also said that Spring 5 would support Java 9.

暗示Spring 4不支持Java 9。

It is implied that Spring 4 won't support Java 9.

但这取决于你哟你正在做:在上,作者在Spring 4上测试Java9他说:

But it depends of what you're doing: on this blog, the writer is testing Java9 on Spring 4 and he said:


Because "doesn't support" only means you're not sure of the comportment, If you're using anything that changed in Java9, you should consider migrating (unless you can test it first).

Spring boot 1.x 不支持 Java9。如果您想使用它,必须迁移到Spring Boot 2.x.

Spring boot 1.x does not support Java9. If you want to use it, you have to migrate to Spring Boot 2.x.

这篇关于我需要Spring 5 for Java 9吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 16:58