本文介绍了Firebase数据结构 - Firefeed结构是否相关?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Firefeed是一个非常好的例子,可以用Firebase实现 - 一个完全客户端的Twitter克隆。所以这里有这个页面:其中逻辑背后的逻辑数据结构进行了解释。它有助于了解Firebase安全规则。


  var userid = info.id; //信息来自之前的login()调用。 
var sparkRef = firebase.child(sparks)。push();
var sparkRefId = sparkRef.name();


var currentUser = firebase.child(users)。child(userid);

var childRef = firebase.child(users ).child(follower.name());

它显示了如何完成写入以保持读取的简单性 - 如下所示:

So I do understand that. But if we take a look at Twitter, we can see that some accounts has several millions followers (most followed is Katy Perry with over 61 millions !). What would happen with this structure and this approach ? Whenever Katy would post a new tweet, it would make 61 millions Write operations. Wouldn't this simply kill the app ? And even more, isn't it consuming a lot of unnecessary space ?


With denormalized data, the only way to connect data is to write to every location its read from. So yeah, to publish a tweet to 61 million followers would require 61 million writes.

You wouldn't do this in the browser. The server would listen for child_added events for new tweets, and then a cluster of workers would split up the load paginating a subset of followers at a time. You could potentially prioritize online users to get writes first.

With normalized data, you write the tweet once, but pay for the join on reads. If you cache the tweets in feeds to avoid hitting the database for each request, you're back to 61 million writes to redis for every Katy Perry tweet. To push the tweet in real time, you need to write the tweet to a socket for every online follower anyway.

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09-01 16:51