



我有两个Android设备。一充当服务器和其他的客户。客户端连接到服务器并请求一个文件 - 这是在客户机上的一个线程和一个线程完成的服务器上这样既可以继续做他们想要什么

I have two Android devices. One is acting as a server and the other as a client. The client connects to the server and requests a file - this is done in one thread on the client and one thread on the server so that both can continue doing what they want.

然后,客户端尝试连接到服务器再次请求另一个文件。现在,我得到一个 java.io.IOException异常:设备或资源忙尝试连接时( socket.connect())。难道是因为蓝牙(Android上)只允许两个设备之间的一个通道? (如果它是另一装置,将工作,但如果它是同它不?)注意,这两个尝试以相同的服务名和UUID进行。

The client then attempts to connect to the server again to request another file. Right now I am getting a java.io.IOException: Device or resource busy when attempting to connect (socket.connect()). Is it because Bluetooth (on Android) only allows one channel between two devices? (if it were another device it would work but if it is the same it doesn't ?) Note that both attempts are made with the same service name and UUID.


Even if the error is specific to my code, I would like to know if this is the case or not.

系统:的Andr​​oid 2.2.1与bluecove蓝牙库通信。

System: android 2.2.1 communicating with the bluecove bluetooth library.



AFAIK, multiple connectivity is not possible in case of Bluetooth Connection. Bluetooth is Connectivity API is by default Synchronized so only one connection at a time is possible. So you can not perform multiple connections.


However it can be possible in another way like making one connection , performing 2 seconds operation on it and then creating another connection and performing 2 seconds operations like in normal multitasking operating system happens.


09-01 16:26