我从终端安装了SASS,仅gem install sass
I installed SASS from the terminal, just gem install sass
. And I see it says "Successfully installed sass-3.2.9."
但是,当我随后执行sass --version
或sass --v
However, when I then do sass --version
or sass --v
I get this error:
-bash: sass: command not found
我唯一能想到的是,当我在Tuts +上进行Git教程时,遇到了本地与全局问题,或者不得不编辑bash_profile文件.
The only thing I can think of is, when I was doing the Git tutorials on Tuts+ I ran into a local vs. global issue or I had to edit a bash_profile file.
This is what is inside the bash_profile file inside my user directory:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
关于为什么无法获得我刚刚安装的SASS或Compass版本的任何想法或提示? (我只能得到ruby --version
Any thoughts or tips on why I can't get the version of SASS or Compass I just installed? (I can only get ruby --version
知道了答案! https://superuser.com/questions/600262/在通过终端安装并尝试获取版本的错误时出现错误?noredirect = 1#comment739892_600262
$ brew --prefix ruby
$ stat -f%Y /usr/local/opt/ruby
$ export PATH=/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH
$ which sass