



当我访问 是一个 32 位的加法.因此,我暂时将邮件设置为以 32 位模式打开(见图).在阅读了 MacScripter 论坛帖子后,我得出了这个结论.我仍然希望听到另一种解决方法,以防 Satimage 保持 32 位添加.

When I access the satimage.osax scripting addition (which I'm using for its regex capability) from a Mail rule on Snow Leopard, I get errors, but it runs fine in Script Editor. The code below illustrates the problem. The first line executes fine, but the line inside the tell block throws an error (below), from the mail rule version, which I had catching the error.

set substr to find text "a" in "abcd"

tell application "Mail"
    set substr to find text "a" in "abcd"
end tell

So I tried a workaround: tell application "Finder" to ... from within the Mail Rule script, but that then threw a security error.


It's not a sandboxing problem - it's a 32/64 bit problem. Mail is a 64-bit application in Snow Leopard, and as of right now, Satimage.osax is a 32-bit addition. So for the time being, I set Mail to Open in 32-bit mode (see picture). I arrived at this conclusion after reading a MacScripter forum post. I'd still love to hear another workaround, in case Satimage stays a 32-bit addition.


09-01 16:05