

我试图为Delphi 7安装一个第三方软件包.打开DPK之后,我按下了Install按钮,并出现了File not found错误.如果先按Compile,然后再按Install,也会发生同样的情况.

I'm trying to install a 3rd party package for Delphi 7. After opening the DPK, I pressed the Install button, and got a File not found error. The same happens if I press Compile first, and then Install.

错误消息是指DPK contains部分中首先列出的设备. 程序包目录不包含PAS文件,但包含 contains 部分中列出的每个PAS的DCU.程序包目录已添加到Library path.我试图关闭Explicit rebuild,但这没有帮助.我还尝试删除对PAS文件的引用并改为添加DCU文件,但是错误消息仍然相同.

The error message refers to the unit which is listed first in the contains section of the DPK. The package directory does not contain PAS files, but it contains the DCU for every PAS listed in the contains section. The package directory is added to the Library path. I tried to turn off Explicit rebuild, but it didn't help. I also tried to remove the references to PAS files and add the DCU files instead, but the error message remained the same.


Delphi apparently wants to recompile the package, but I don't have the source files. What should I do to make it use the DCUs? Thank you for your help in advance.


编译器需要源代码(即使.dcus可用)的事实通常意味着.dcu文件是由其他版本的Delphi编译的. .dcu文件在编译器版本之间不兼容(D2006-> D2007的唯一例外),这意味着编译器的每个新版本均意味着需要重新编译所有源代码才能与之兼容.

The fact that the compiler wants the source (even though the .dcus are available) usually means that the .dcu files were compiled by a different version of Delphi. .dcu files are not compatible across compiler versions (with the single exception of D2006->D2007), meaning that every new version release of the compiler means all your source needs to be recompiled in order to be compatible with it.


You'll need to contact the vendor to get new .dcu files that are compatible with your current Delphi version.

如果您已经有了更新的源,则编译器找不到要重新编译的源,这意味着您需要检查 Project-> Options-> Directories and Conditionals-> Search Path 确保它已更新.您可能还需要检查工具->选项->环境选项-> Delphi选项->库-Win32->搜索路径,具体取决于安装先前版本的方式.

If you have the updated source already, the compiler is not finding it in order to recompile, which means you need to check the Project->Options->Directories and Conditionals->Search Path to make sure it's updated. You may also need to check Tools->Options->Environment Options->Delphi Options->Library - Win32->Search Path, depending on how you installed the previous version.


This is the reason that you should never buy or use third-party packages without getting the source code. You now depend on the vendor getting the files out to you (or still being in business), and you're stuck until they do.


09-01 15:51