



jslint可以通过运行'jslint --indent 4 test.js'来检查缩进,但是我无法在jshint中使用它.我按照以下步骤进行操作.

jslint can check indent by run 'jslint --indent 4 test.js', but I don't get it work in jshint.I do it as the follow steps.

  1. 通过"npm install -g jshint"安装jshint
  2. 编辑〜/.jshintrc,我的jshintrc看起来像
  1. install jshint through "npm install -g jshint"
  2. edit ~/.jshintrc, my jshintrc looks like
{..., "indent":4, "white":false, ...}

  • 编辑js文件test.js

  • edit js file test.js

    /jshint indent:4/
    var condition, doSth;
    if (condition)
    doSth(); // expected to be invalid

  • 运行jshint test.js,但是缩进检查不起作用. 2个空格开始的行可以通过检查.
  • 推荐答案


    It's a version problem. I use 2.5.0 while 2.4 works.

    看看 https://github.com/jshint/jshint/releases/tag/2.5 .0 :

    以下选项已删除:密码,onevar,密码失败,白色, gcl,smarttabs,尾随.除此之外,缩进不再 提供有关缩进级别的警告.您仍然可以使用它来 设置制表符宽度,但仅用于以下位置的字符位置 其他警告.如果您有这些选项,JSHint不会出错 配置或您的文件;它只会忽略它们.

    The following options were removed: nomen, onevar, passfail, white, gcl, smarttabs, trailing. In addition to that, indent no longer provides warnings about indentation levels. You can still use it to set your tab-width but it will be used only for character locations in other warnings. JSHint won't error if you have these options in your config or your files; it will simply ignore them.

    由于我们的贡献者,我们修复了解析器中的许多错误.我们 通过添加对模板的基本支持,还改善了我们对ES6的支持 文字.

    Thanks to our contributors, we fixed a lot of bugs in our parser. We also improved our ES6 support by adding basic support for template literals.


    09-01 15:21