

本文介绍了ActionScript 3的跳跃动画问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


import KeyObject;
import flash.events.Event;

var hsp = 15;
var vy:Number = 0;//Vertical speed variable
var grav:Number = 20;//gravity variable
var jumped:Boolean = false;//Checking if we jumped, false means
//not jumping

//Player initially starts with idle animation

var Key:KeyObject = new KeyObject(stage);//Adds the new method for keyboard check

//The stage always checks for these events and functions
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameloop);

function onEnter(e:Event):void

    if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))//Check if right arrow is pressed
        warMage.x += 15;//Move at this speed
        warMage.gotoAndStop("RunWarmage");//Play this animation
        warMage.scaleX = 1;//Keep the image svale to right
    else if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT))//Check if left arrow is pressed
        warMage.x -= 15;//Move left
        warMage.scaleX = -1;//Flip the image
        warMage.gotoAndStop("RunWarmage");//Play this animation
    else if(Key.isDown(Key.UP))//Check if spacebar is pressed
        if(!jumped)//the boolean is true
            vy -= 70;//Player jumps 50 pixels upward
            jumped = true;
            warMage.gotoAndStop("JumpWarmage");//Play the jump animation
        warMage.gotoAndStop("idleWarmage");//Return to idle state
function gameloop(e:Event):void
    if(warMage.x + 36.55 < 0)//Setting room boundaries
        warMage.x = 0;//Setting boundary on right
    if(warMage.x + 55.22 > 999)//Setting boundary on left
        warMage.x = 999;
    vy += grav;
    if(!ground.hitTestPoint(warMage.x + 36.55, warMage.y + 55.22, true))//If we're not on a surface
        warMage.y += vy;//apply gravity to the player
    for(var i = 0;i < 109; i++)
    {   //If the warmage is on the ground
        if(ground.hitTestPoint(warMage.x + 36.55, warMage.y + 55.22, true))
            warMage.y--;//A pixel above the platform
            vy = 0;//Gravity isn't applied on the player
            jumped = false;//We're not jumping

You said this was AS3, but Key.isDown() is a deprecated AS2 class.function

In any case, you've declared that onEnter would run on every frame (just as your gameloop does), therefore unless you are holding down the directional arrows, or are currently releasing the spacebar, then it will predictably run else { warMage.gotoAndStop("idleWarmage"); }.

  1. I've replaced your AS2 methods with AS3 Keyboard events (meaning the logic only fires when you're actually interacting with the keyboard).
  2. Your jumped boolean is confusing as appears to refer to what was rather than what is; even your comments clarified it in the present tense of "jumping", so I've done the same.
  3. The true goal of your conditionals is to see whether your character should be idle or not. This is determined by whether they're currently not moving or jumping. Since we can articulate this during each keypress, the idle boolean can be set concisely.
  4. Finally, with only one enterFrame function firing, moving the character is now handled the same way your gravity was, with warMage.x += vx;

See the revised code below. Hope it helps. =)

import flash.events.Event;

var hsp = 15; // the horizontal speed of the character
var vx:Number = 0; // Horizontal speed variable
var vy:Number = 0; // Vertical speed variable
var grav:Number = 20; //gravity variable
var jumping:Boolean = false; // False means we're not jumping.
var idle:Boolean = false; // Whether or not the character is idle

warMage.gotoAndStop("idleWarmage"); //Player initially starts with idle animation

//The stage always checks for these events and functions
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyEvents);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyEvents);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameloop);

function keyEvents(e:KeyboardEvent) {
    if (e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN) {
        switch (e.keyCode) {
            case 39: // Right Arrow
                vx = hsp; //Move at this speed
                warMage.gotoAndStop("RunWarmage"); //Play this animation
                warMage.scaleX = 1; //Keep the image svale to right
                idle = false;
            case 37: // Left Arrow
                vx = -hsp; //Move left
                warMage.scaleX = -1; //Flip the image
                warMage.gotoAndStop("RunWarmage"); //Play this animation
                idle = false;
                if (!jumping) {
                    idle = true;


    if (e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP) {
        switch (e.keyCode) {
            case 39: // Right Arrow
            case 37: // Left Arrow
                vx = 0;
                if (!jumping) {
                    idle = true;
            case 32: // Spacebar
            case 38: // Up Arrow
                vy -= 70; //Player jumps 50 pixels upward
                jumping = true;
                idle = false;
                warMage.gotoAndStop("JumpWarmage"); //Play the jump animation

    if (idle) {
        warMage.gotoAndStop("idleWarmage"); //Return to idle state

function gameloop(e:Event):void {
    warMage.x += vx;

    if (warMage.x + 36.55 < 0) { //Setting room boundaries
        warMage.x = 0; //Setting boundary on right

    if (warMage.x + 55.22 > 999) { //Setting boundary on left
        warMage.x = 999;

    vy += grav;
    if (!ground.hitTestPoint(warMage.x + 36.55, warMage.y + 55.22, true)) { //If we're not on a surface
        warMage.y += vy; //apply gravity to the player

    for (var i = 0; i < 109; i++) { //If the warmage is on the ground
        if (ground.hitTestPoint(warMage.x + 36.55, warMage.y + 55.22, true)) {
            warMage.y--; //A pixel above the platform
            vy = 0; //Gravity isn't applied on the player
            jumping = false; //We're not jumping

这篇关于ActionScript 3的跳跃动画问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-31 10:42