




I made a virtual joystick in Unity. Somehow, it does not react. The events OnPointerDown , OnPointerUp and OnDrag never get entered by the debugger.


This is a view of my inspector settings


And this is my code, as you can see, I have a data class for some data and call it in the controller class.

public class VirtualJoystickData
    private Vector3 inputVector = Vector3.zero;
    public Vector3 InputVector { get { return inputVector; } set { inputVector = value; } } // the movementDirection

    private Image joystickBackgroundImage = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("JoystickBackGroundImage").GetComponent<Image>(); // the joysticks background
    public Image JoystickBackgroundImage { get { return joystickBackgroundImage; } }

    private Image joystickImage = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Joystick").GetComponent<Image>(); // the joystick object to use
    public Image JoystickImage { get { return joystickImage; } }

public class VirtualJoystickController : Monobehaviour, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerDownHandler
    private VirtualJoystickData data; // reference to the data class

    private void Start()
        data = new VirtualJoystickData();

    public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData e) // Click the joystick

    public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData e) // leave the joystick
        data.InputVector = Vector3.zero; // reset joystick
        data.JoystickImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector3.zero;

    public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData e) // drag the joystick
        Vector2 position;
        if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(data.JoystickBackgroundImage.rectTransform, e.position, e.pressEventCamera, out position)) // start dragging it
            position.x = (position.x / data.JoystickBackgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x);
            position.y = (position.y / data.JoystickBackgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y);

            data.InputVector = new Vector3(position.x * 2 + 1, 0, position.y * 2 - 1);
            data.InputVector = data.InputVector.magnitude > 1 ? data.InputVector.normalized : data.InputVector;

            data.JoystickImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(
                data.InputVector.x * (data.JoystickBackgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x / 3),
                data.InputVector.z * (data.JoystickBackgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y / 3));

    public float GetHorizontalInput()
        return data.InputVector.x;

    public float GetVerticalInput()
        return data.InputVector.z;


Would be awesome, if someone could help me out here. When I try to use the joystick just nothing happens..



Your scene is likely missing the EventSystem.

要创建事件系统,请转到 GameObject ---> UI ---> EventSystem .

To create the EventSystem, go to GameObject ---> UI ---> EventSystem.

它将创建一个EventSystem GameObject并将EventSystemStandalone Input Module脚本附加到它.现在应该调用回调函数,否则将Debug.Log放在其中,以确保您的语句正确.

It will create an EventSystem GameObject and attach the EventSystem and Standalone Input Module scripts to it. The callback functions should now be called otherwise put Debug.Log inside them to make sure that your statement is correct.


08-31 10:39