

对于每个SDK,我有 MIPS的系统映像的安装解决方案。



这是模拟的,而不是一个ARM或x86 CPU,有一个MIPS CPU的器件,模拟器的形象。

您将使用它,如果你想模仿,而不是ARM或x86 CPU,有一个MIPS CPU的设备。

您将无法效仿,而不是ARM或x86 CPU,有一个MIPS CPU的设备。 MIPS的财团可能会哭泣。不过,考虑到现在有与MIPS的CPU市场上很少有Android设备,没有一个MIPS仿真器可能就好了。

这是MIPS架构的更多信息可以在这里找到: http://www.mips.com/

With each SDK, I have a solution of installing MIPS system image.

What is it? What does it do and when will someone use it? What will happen if I do not install it?


It is an emulator image that emulates a device that has a MIPS CPU, instead of an ARM or x86 CPU.

You will use it if you wish to emulate a device that has a MIPS CPU, instead of an ARM or x86 CPU.

You will not be able to emulate a device that has a MIPS CPU, instead of an ARM or x86 CPU. The MIPS Consortium may cry. But, considering right now there are very few Android devices with MIPS CPUs on the market, not having a MIPS emulator is probably just fine.

More info on the MIPS architecture can be found here: http://www.mips.com/


08-31 10:37