

我有一个黑白面具图像使用以下 ImageMagick 命令生成:

I have a black and white mask image produced with this ImageMagick command:

convert in.jpg -threshold 85% out.png


我想减小每片的大小,就像我用 Gimp 那样,通过选择白色背景,将选择内容反转并通过X缩小 来减小尺寸像素.

I'd like to reduce the size of each piece like if I was doing it with Gimp by selecting the white background, inverting the selection and shrink it by X pixels.

是否可以使用 ImageMagick 做到这一点,如果可以,怎么办?

Is it possible to do it with ImageMagick and if yes, how ?


在Imagemagick中,可以使用-morphology close减少黑色中的白洞.但是,如果您使用太大的内核,它将开始将黑色区域合并在一起.

In Imagemagick, you can use -morphology close to reduce the white holes in the black. But if you use too large a kernel size, it will start to merge the black regions together.

convert image.png -morphology open octagon:4 result.png


Here you can see with size 4, it has removed all but one white hole, but has started to connect two of the black areas.


08-31 10:29