= udf_Whats_Colored(A2)
sup> ColorIndex调色板表
How to extract text based on font color from a cell with text of multiple colors
I have a column of data (A). The data in each cell in column (A) is half one color and half another color. I have to extract each word separated by delimiter if they are at different places. I tried the solution in the above link but unable to make changes to suit my purpose as i am a beginner for vba. please suggest methods to sole this problem.
(A) Original..........(B) Red
abcdefgh..........abc, gh
A User Defined Function (aka UDF) should get you through this.
Function udf_Whats_Colored(rTXT As Range, Optional iCLRNDX As Long = 3)
Dim c As Long, str As String
For c = 1 To Len(rTXT.Text)
With rTXT.Characters(Start:=c, Length:=1)
If .Font.ColorIndex = iCLRNDX Then
If Not CBool(Len(str)) Or _
rTXT.Characters(Start:=c + (c > 1), Length:=1).Font.ColorIndex = iCLRNDX Then
str = str & Mid(rTXT.Text, c, 1)
str = str & ", " & Mid(rTXT.Text, c, 1)
End If
End If
End With
Next c
udf_Whats_Colored = str
End Function
After considering all of the shades of red that are available, I opted for the simpler solution of .ColorIndex = 3
. There is an optional parameter so that you can set your own ColorIndex property number. If you need more colors, it should be a small matter to swap the code over to the .Font.Color property.
The syntax used in the above image in B2 is,