




I am trying to do something simillar to this, but on Android:http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/warp_affine/warp_affine.htmlI have an image drawn to ImageView and i want to be able to select 6 points (3 source and 3 target)and use the warpAffine method on OpenCV like the example before.I'm able to reproduce the example above, but when passing the X,Y coordinates from onTouch event, it doesn't give me what i expect.I think the problem is how to convert the android touch coordinates to OpenCV Mat column/row.Maybe i need to display the image on OpenCV surface?I hope i was clear,Thanks in advance.


触摸坐标的指属于Android手机的屏幕分辨率点(三星Galaxy S3是720x1280)。 在另一方面,OpenCV的图像能比这更大或更小,这意味着的触摸坐标的不能被直接映射到的图像坐标

The touch coordinate refer to a point that belongs to your Android's screen resolution (Samsung Galaxy S3 is 720x1280). On the other hand, the OpenCV image could be larger or smaller than that, meaning that a touch coordinate can't be mapped directly into an image coordinate.


What needs to be done to convert from one resolution to the other, is the normalization of the touch coordinate from 720x1280 to the 640x480 range. Therefore, to find the real coordinates on the image you would do:

real_x = (touch_x * 640) / 720;
real_y = (touch_y * 480) / 1280;


08-31 10:10