





i need to play Quarter tone by MIDI (Arabic Tone)

thanks for help me


Xenakios wrote:



They don''t. Commercial music doesn''t use microtones in any systematic way, so there are no significant amount of commercial software tools that helps with that.

MIDI itself is pretty much void of the concept of microtonality, it was originally designed for equal tempered music played by keyboard players and has remained so to this day. Microtunings will always be hacks with MIDI…

我知道这种黑客攻击只有一个主意,但是我从未尝试过使用它.这是关于使用 音高弯曲 的一种方法,它可以使用键盘上的"弯曲轮"来模仿标准"半音.能够像吉他一样弯曲的乐器.

http://www.midi.org/techspecs/midimessages.php [ ^ ].


但是,从另一个来源来看,弯曲消息的真实解释似乎取决于合成器. 弯音消息的最大值仅表示弯度尽可能高".即使对于欧洲音乐来说,那也将是一场灾难,所以我简直不敢相信,但请参阅 http://www.srm .com/qtma/davidsmidispec.html [ ^ ].

现在,我从未尝试查看MIDI API来确定是否可以使用弯曲以及弯曲的结果.尝试做.如果您将发现的情况写给我们,那将是非常好的.



I know only one idea for such a hack, but I never tried to use it. This is about using pitch bend, something which allows to deviate from a "standard" semitone using a "bend wheel" on a keyboard to imitate instruments capable of bending like a guitar.

Look at the MIDI specs:

It looks like you can setup pitch bend sensitivity to apply bending of 50 cents which is a quoter-tone (one cent is a pitch ratio corresponding to equal temperament of semitone divided into 100 steps, 1 cent each, on logarithmic scale).

However, from the other source, it looks like a real interpretation of a bend message depends on the synthesizer; a maximum value of a Pitch Bend Message of 16383 only says "bend as high as possible". That would so much of a disaster even for European music, so I hardly can believe that, but see http://www.srm.com/qtma/davidsmidispec.html[^].

Now, I never tried to look at the MIDI API to figure if it''s possible to use bending and what''s the result of it. Try to do it. It would be very nice if you write us about your findings.

I personally would be really grateful if you could give me some links to Arabic microtonal music samples and/or other related literature. I used to listen just a tiny bit, very interested.



08-31 09:57