

我正在为受保护的Word文档创建一个拼写检查宏.我对Excel VBA更加熟悉,我刚刚为受保护的电子表格创建了一个类似的项目,因此我尝试遵循相同的逻辑.到目前为止,我的代码将Office文档中拼写错误的单词复制到新的excel工作簿中,然后运行拼写检查,但是我很难将新值粘贴回原始word文档中.我不能要求添加参考库",因为这将需要可移植并且可以在没有最终用户干预的情况下运行.

I'm looking to create a spell check macro for protected word documents. I'm more familiar with Excel VBA and I just created a similar project for protected spreadsheets so I attempted to follow the same logic. So far my code copies misspelled words from the office document, into a new excel workbook and then runs spellcheck, but I am having trouble pasting the new value back into the original word document. I can't have this require "adding a reference library" as this will need to be portable and run without end user intervention.


Here is what I have so far:

Sub SpellCheckDoc()

Dim lockedFields As Long
Dim unlockedFields As New Collection
For Each theFields In ActiveDocument.Fields
    If theFields.Locked = True Then
        lockedFields = lockedFields + 1
        unlockedFields.Add theFields
    End If
Next theFields
If lockedFields = ActiveDocument.Fields.Count Then Exit Sub

Dim objWord As Object    'Word.Application
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")

Dim objExcel As Object, objWB As Object
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWB = objExcel.Workbooks.Add
objExcel.Visible = True
Set wb = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")

For Each theFields In unlockedFields
    If CheckSpelling(theFields.Result.Text) = False Then
      theFields.Copy ' Select text from Word Doc

'Paste into new workbook and spellcheck
With ws
End With

objWord.theFields.Paste ''' This line doesn't work

    End If
Next theFields
End Sub


更改theFields.Result.Text.因此,您可以在Excel中执行.CheckSpelling,然后将theFields.Result.Text = .Range("A1").Text

Change theFields.Result.Text. So you can do .CheckSpelling in Excel, then make theFields.Result.Text = .Range("A1").Text

Dim correctSpelling as String

With ws
 correctSpelling = .Range("A1").Text
End With

    theFields.Result.Text = correctSpelling

    End If
Next theFields
End Sub


08-31 09:46