

我正在尝试遵循,说明了如何使用 Xrm.Navigation.openForm 方法打开新实体的CRM表单。

I'm trying to follow the examples found here that explain how to use Xrm.Navigation.openForm method to open a CRM form for a new entity.

我的目标实体具有多种形式,我正尝试在 entityFormOptions 对象中指定表单ID在上面的链接中。我已在此处复制相关文本(相关行以粗体显示):

My target entity has multiple forms and I'm trying to specify the form ID in the entityFormOptions object as described in the link above. I've copied the relevant text here (with the relevant line in bold):

  • cmdbar :(可选)布尔值。指示是否显示命令栏。如果未指定此参数,则默认情况下显示命令栏。

  • createFromEntity :(可选)查找。指定一条记录,该记录将基于映射的属性值提供默认值。查找对象具有以下字符串属性:EntityType,ID和名称(可选)。

  • entityId :(可选)字符串。要显示其表单的实体记录的ID。

  • entityName :(可选)字符串。要为其显示表单的实体的逻辑名称。

  • formId :(可选)字符串。要显示的表单实例的ID

  • 高度:(可选)数字。表单窗口的高度,以像素为单位。

  • navBar :(可选)字符串。控制是否显示导航栏,以及是否使用站点地图中定义的
    区域和子区域进行应用程序导航。有效值为: on,
    off或 entity。

  • cmdbar: (Optional) Boolean. Indicates whether to display the command bar. If you do not specify this parameter, the command bar is displayed by default.
  • createFromEntity: (Optional) Lookup. Designates a record that will provide default values based on mapped attribute values. The lookup object has the following String properties: entityType, id, and name (optional).
  • entityId: (Optional) String. ID of the entity record to display the form for.
  • entityName: (Optional) String. Logical name of the entity to display the form for.
  • formId: (Optional) String. ID of the form instance to be displayed.
  • height: (Optional) Number. Height of the form window to be displayed in pixels.
  • navBar: (Optional) String. Controls whether the navigation bar is displayed and whether application navigation is available using the areas and subareas defined in the sitemap. Valid values are: "on", "off", or "entity".

我的表格ID为 375DE297-C0AF-4711-A811-5F1663FAE5DA

However this doesn't seem to work for me.The ID of my form is 375DE297-C0AF-4711-A811-5F1663FAE5DA


var entityFormOptions = {};
entityFormOptions["entityName"] = "contact";
entityFormOptions["formId"] = "375DE297-C0AF-4711-A811-5F1663FAE5DA";



I am running as a System Administrator and I have confirmed that I have access to all the forms for the specified entity so I don't think it is a form-security issue.

有人尝试过这种在Dynamics 365中打开表单的方法吗?

Has anyone tried this method of opening forms in Dynamics 365?



That's looks like mistake in docs or bug in Dynamics.

先前的实现(v8及更高版本)参数对象中的 formid

Previous implementation (v8 and before) took formid in parameters object: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj602956.aspx#openEntityForm


Although current documentation states that formId must be set in entityFormOptions it isn't actually honoured. But it is honoured when you put it to good old formParameters.


var entityFormOptions = {};
entityFormOptions["entityName"] = "contact";
var formParameters = {};
formParameters ["formid"] = "375DE297-C0AF-4711-A811-5F1663FAE5DA";
Xrm.Navigation.openForm(entityFormOptions, formParameters);

P.S。请注意,小写 formid

P.S. Note that lowercase "formid".


08-31 09:45