我试图运行这个命令TFSConfig 身份/change/fromdomain: OldComputerorDomainName/todomain: NewDomainName/account: OldTFSServiceAccount/toaccount:NewTFSServiceAccount为了在我从一个域移动到另一个域时更改帐户身份,但它不起作用.有什么想法可以解决这个问题吗? 解决方案 我已经运行了这个命令 TFSConfig 身份/change/fromdomain: OldComputerorDomainName/todomain: NewDomainName在此命令之前TFSConfig 帐户/ResetOwner/SQLInstance:ServerName/DatabaseName:DatabaseName现在一切正常I have recently moved our TFS 2010 server to new server, when I'm trying to configure Reporting server and enter the server name and populate URLs and then press ok, the tfs tells me that user or group is not recognizedI tried to run this commandTFSConfig identities /change /fromdomain: OldComputerorDomainName /todomain: NewDomainName /account: OldTFSServiceAccount /toaccount:NewTFSServiceAccountin order to change the account identity as i moved from a domain to another domain but it doesn't work.Any ideas how i can solve that? 解决方案 I have run this commandTFSConfig identities /change /fromdomain: OldComputerorDomainName /todomain: NewDomainNamebefore this commandTFSConfig Accounts /ResetOwner /SQLInstance:ServerName /DatabaseName:DatabaseNameand everything is working now 这篇关于TFS 2010 无法更改帐户标识的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-31 09:41