I want to write an algorithm for the following problem scenario
Taking periodic table elements' names, find largest word that can be formed?The symbols such as Na
, Ne
etc should be regarded as single elements.
This was asked in a reputed company's job interview.Can anybody please help me out solve this.
import itertools..
symbols = ['Na','K','H']
for i in range(len(symbols)):
for word in itertools.permutations(symbols,i+1):
print( ''.join(word) )
You can generate every possible combination, and check against a dictionary if its an acutal word. But it is inefficient and only for if you allow no repetitions of symbols.
If you allow repetitions you need to check a word against the list of symbols. I propose the following:
import itertools..
words = ['K', 'NaH', 'NaNaNaNa', 'HaKuNa']
symbols = ['Na','K','H']
for i in range(len(symbols)):
for word in itertools.permutations(symbols,i+1):
print( ''.join(word) )
def can_be_built(word):
pos = 0
ret = True
while(pos < len(word)):
#following loop checks if word starting form `pos`
#can be prefixed by a symbol
symbol_match = False
for symbol in symbols:
if word[pos:pos+len(symbol)] == symbol:
symbol_match = True
if symbol_match == False:
print('Word `{}` has no match for symbol from: {}'.format(word, word[pos:]))
ret = False
#if it does move forward
pos += len(symbol)
return ret
for word in words:
print("{} can be built? {}".format(word, can_be_built(word)))
It iteratively check if a word prefix is a symbol, then moves forward until the end of word is reached.
K can be built? True
NaH can be built? True
NaNaNaNa can be built? True
Word `HaKuNa` has no match for symbol from: aKuNa
HaKuNa can be built? False
It still is not perfect.
As Makoto says, the prefix-check should return a list of every possible match. The algorithm should make a queue out of those matches, and check all possible paths. It would be kind of like building a graph of prefixes that match the word. And if one builds whole word you are home.
I think it is still fairly easy to correct my 2nd example, but I am out of time for the actual code. I think it's a good place for start.