本文介绍了将文本从 Windows CMD 窗口复制到剪贴板的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有谁知道是否可以从 Windows 的命令提示符或控制台窗口复制文本,如命令、控制台应用程序或批处理文件的输出?

Does anyone know if it's possible to copy text from a Windows' command prompt or console window like the output of a command, console application or batch file?


  • 右键单击 >马克
  • 通过按住鼠标左键并选择文本来选择要复制的文本,或者使用箭头键导航到要复制的文本的开头,按 Shift 并移动(使用箭头键)到结尾的文本.
  • 右键单击标题栏,进入编辑",然后点击复制.
    • Right click > Mark
    • Select the text you want to copy by holding left mouse button and selecting text OR by navigating to the beginning of the text you want to copy with the arrow keys, pressing Shift, and moving (with the arrow keys) to the end of the text.
    • right click on the title bar, go into "Edit", and hit Copy.
    • 现在您可以通过右键单击标题栏,进入编辑",然后点击粘贴",再次粘贴到记事本或命令提示符中.

      Now you can paste in Notepad or in Command Prompt again by right-clicking on the title bar, going into "Edit", and hitting "Paste."

      这篇关于将文本从 Windows CMD 窗口复制到剪贴板的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-31 09:23