




I'm trying to make a general plot where I don't know the range. Sometimes there will be more zero's or a "-" on the tic marks, which causes the graph area to contract. I would prefer the tic labels just extend farther to the left preserving the graph size. This helps with alignment which is a crucial part of these plots.


Does anyone have an idea about how to do this? My searches haven't revealed anything yet.


您可以使用 set lmargin 设置固定的左边距.与例如设置lmargin 10 ,您可以将左边距固定为10个字符的宽度:

You can use set lmargin to set a fixed left margin. With e.g. set lmargin 10 you fix the left margin to 10 character widths:

set multiplot layout 2,1
set lmargin 10
set xrange [0:10]
plot x

set xrange[0:100000]
plot x
unset multiplot


Of course, you must still find an appropriate setting for the left margin size.


As another point, also the label position depends on the ticlabel length.

set multiplot layout 2,1
set lmargin 10
set ylabel 'ylabel'

set xrange [0:10]
plot x

set xrange[0:100000]
plot x
unset multiplot

因此,您需要使用 offset 参数更改ylabel的位置.为了使它更通用,可以将ylabel与常用的 set label 命令放在一起,使其独立于边距设置而固定:

So you would need to change the ylabel position with the offset parameter. To have it more general, you can put the ylabel with a usual set label command to have it fixed independent of the margin settings:

set multiplot layout 2,1
set lmargin 10
set label 1 'manual label' at screen 0.03,graph 0.5 center rotate by 90

set xrange [0:10]
plot x

set xrange[0:100000]
plot x
unset multiplot


08-31 09:15