我试图弄清楚如何使Windows 10搜索PDF内容,而不是必须打开每个文件来手动搜索.
I'm trying to figure out how to get Windows 10 to search PDF contents, rather than having to open each file to search manually.
根据此,您可以指定应使用哪种文件类型内容可搜索.在Windows 10上执行此操作时,我看到PDF文件类型缺少IFilter(找不到注册的IFilter").这是正确的道路吗?我找不到Windows 10 PDF IFilter(好吧,Foxit有一个,但价格超过1,000美元).Adobe在此处有一个,但仅适用于Windows 7和8
According to this you can specify which file type should be content-searchable. When I do this on Windows 10, I see that the PDF file type is missing an IFilter ("Registered IFilter is not found"). Is this the right path? I can't find a Windows 10 PDF IFilter (well, Foxit has one, but it's over $1,000). Adobe has one here but it's only stated for Windows 7 and 8.
您只需安装Adobe Acrobat或Reader,PDF iFilter就会随之安装.您将获得32位版本,但是由于文件是在后台建立索引的,因此这并不重要.
You can simply install Adobe Acrobat or Reader and the PDF iFilter will install along with it. You'll get the 32 bit version but since the files are being indexed in the background, it shouldn't really matter.