




  .even {background: #FFF URL(数据:图像/ GIF; BASE64,R0lGODlhBgASALMAAOfn5 + rq6uvr6 + zs7O7u7vHx8fPz8 / b29vj4 + P39 /˚F/// wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAAAABgASAAAIMAAVCBxIsKDBgwgTDkzAsKGAhxARSJx4oKJFAxgzFtjIkYDHjwNCigxAsiSAkygDAgA7)重复-X底部} 


  1. 页面加载时的HTTP请求数量,从而提高性能

  2. 如果没有CDN,则会减少通过图像旁边发送的Cookie产生的流量。

  3. 可以缓存CSS文件

  4. CSS文件可以是GZIPPED



$ b

更新 - 测试结果您可以使用它来编写图片?
$ b

  • 使用图片测试: - 133.6Kb

  • 测试网址:

  • 专用的CSS文件:

  • GZIP编码服务器端

  • 传送给客户的结果尺寸(YSLOW
    元件测试): 59.3Kb b $ b

  • 保存发送到客户端浏览器的数据: 74.3Kb

$ b $




  • li>
  • (上传)

  • (来自下面的小教程的链接)

I was looking at the source of a greasemonkey userscript and noticed the following in their css:

.even { background: #fff url() repeat-x bottom}

I can appreciate that a greasemonkey script would want to bundle anything it can within the source as opposed to host it on a server, that's obvious enough. But since I had not seen this technique previously, I considered its use and it seems appealing for a number of reasons:

  1. It will reduce the amount of HTTP requests on page load, thus enhancing performance
  2. If no CDN, then it will reduce the amount of traffic generated through cookies being sent alongside of images
  3. CSS files can be cached
  4. CSS files can be GZIPPED

Considering that IE6 (for instance) has problems with cache for background images, this seems like it's not the worst idea...

So, is this a good or bad practice, why WOULDN'T you use it and what tools would you use to base64 encode the images?

update - results of testing

Nice, but it will be slightly less useful for smaller images, I guess.


It's not a good idea when you want your images and style information to be cached separately. Also if you encode a large image or a significant number of images in to your css file it will take the browser longer to download the file leaving your site without any of the style information until the download completes. For small images that you don't intend on changing often if ever it is a fine solution.

as far as generating the base64 encoding:


08-31 08:40