

我正在将具有许多其他类型和列表的属性的复杂对象序列化为JSON形式,但问题是DateTime属性。我使用JavascriptSerializer获得了时间(而不是mm / dd / YYYY)。

I am serializing a complex object with lot of properties of other Types and Lists to JSON form but the issue is with DateTime properties. I get the epoch time with JavascriptSerializer (rather than mm/dd/YYYY).

有什么方法可以获取mm / dd / YYYY格式的日期时间:HH.MM.SS格式,而无需修改我正在序列化的对象的类定义。 / p>

Is there any way I can get the datetime in mm/dd/YYYY : HH.MM.SS form without modifying the class defination of the object i am serialzing.


使用 JavaScriptSerializer 且不修改基础类就无法实现。这可以通过。

This cannot be achieved using JavaScriptSerializer and without modifying the underlying class. This could be achieved with Json.Net.


10-15 22:19