在 2.0 版本文档中.我还注意到 2.0 最小版本是 2.5MB,而 1.12 最小版本是 8.7MB,完整的 1.12 版本是 ~30MB.
In the 2.0 version documentation. I also noticed that the 2.0 minimal version is 2.5MB while the 1.12 minimal version is 8.7MB and the full 1.12 version is ~30MB.
默认情况下,ZF2 不为 S3 或任何其他 AWS 服务提供内置库.自 2012 年 7 月 起,Zend\Service 组件已从存储库中删除,其中一些仍在维护在各个存储库下.
ZF2 doesn't provides a built-in library for S3 or any other AWS services by default. Zend\Service components has been removed from repository as of July 2012 and some of them still maintained under individual repositories.
但好消息是亚马逊于 2013 年 3 月宣布了他们自己的适用于 ZF2 的 AWS-SDK 模块. 还有一个 github 链接.目前它处于非常早期的阶段,似乎是亚马逊官方 PHP SDK 的 ZF2 友好包装器,很有希望.
But the good news is Amazon announced their own AWS-SDK module for ZF2 on March 2013. Also it has a github link. Currently its in very early stages and seems like a ZF2 friendly wrapper for amazon's official PHP SDK, it's promising.
有关这种情况的更多详细信息,阅读此处的 RFC.
For more detailed information about this situation, read the RFC here.
这篇关于Zend Framework 2.0 是否遗漏了 1.12 中包含的 amazon s3 库函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!