


I want to open a Word file and connect it to the 3rd table in an Excel document as data source for mailing. My main problem: how can I set the "Table3" to avoid opening this dialog box?


Here my trials (all as comments behind #):

$Word = New-Object -Com Word.Application
$Word.Visible = 'TRUE'
$Doc = $Word.Documents.Open( "D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL\Template.doc" )

$DataPath = "D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL\DataSource.xls"
$DataTable = "Table3"
$default = [Type]::Missing

#1 $Doc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( "D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL    \DataSource.xls" ) #this works fine but opens a box to choose the table

#2 $Doc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( $DataPath ) #this works fine too but opens a box to choose the table

#3 $Doc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( Name:="D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL\DataSource.xls", Connection:="Table3" ) #SYNTAX ERROR: Fehlende ")" im Methodenaufruf / Missing ")" in Method Call

#4 $Doc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource -Name "D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL\DataSource.xls" -Connection "Table3" #SYNTAX ERROR: Sie müssen auf der rechten Seite des Operators "-" einen Wertausdruck angeben.

#5 $Doc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( "D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL\DataSource.xls", 'TRUE', 'TRUE', 'TRUE', 'TRUE', '', '', 'FALSE', '', '', '',"'Table3'", '', '', '', '' )

$Doc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( "D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL\DataSource.xls", $default, $default, $default, $default, $default,  $default,  $default,  $default,  $default,  $default, "Table3",  $default,  $default,  $default,  $wdMergeSubTypeWord2000 )

#7 $Doc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource( $DataPath, $default, $default, $default, $default, $default,  $default,  $default,  $default,  $default,  $default, $DataTable,  $default,  $default,  $default,  $default )

Write-Host $Doc.MailMerge.DataSource.Name
#$Doc.MailMerge.Destination = "D:\GoogleDrive\_POWERSHELL\MailMergeTest.doc"
Start-Sleep 2 #Pause von 2 Sekunden

  • #6(处于活动状态)似乎快到了,但无论如何都会打开用于选择表格的框.
  • #3和#4-为什么出现这些语法错误?正确的语法是什么?
  • 推荐答案


    Recent versions of Word do not care about the connection string that you provide for Excel files - if you need a special string, you have to use a .odc file (or ODBC).


    What you need is to find the SQLStatement parameter and set it to the correct SQL - e.g.

    "SELECT * FROM [Table3 $]"

    "SELECT * FROM [Table3$]"


    But the precise syntax depends on what exactly Table3 is. If it is a worksheet, called "Table3", you will need

    "SELECT * FROM [Table3 $]"

    "SELECT * FROM [Table3$]"


    If it is a named range, you will need

    "SELECT * FROM [Table3]"

    "SELECT * FROM [Table3]"


    If it is a named Table, I would have to check whether it works at all.


    If it isn't a name but really the third sheet in the Excel workbook, or the 3rd "something else" in the workbook, then I think you will first have to automate Excel to find the name of the object you want to use.


08-31 07:15