我正在准备pdf格式的R Markdown文件.在文档中,我有几个表.我使用了 pander 包来格式化表格.假设我有数据框DF,我想将其转换为pdf输出中的表格.为了在r代码块中实现此目的,我为表标题前缀更改了 panderOptions 以便以非英语语言打印它,并在下一行中使用指定的标题参数调用pander函数.
I am preparing R Markdown document in the pdf format. In the document I have a couple of tables. I used pander package to format tables. Suppose that I have data frame, DF, that I want to transform into table in the pdf output. To achieve that in a r code chunk I changed panderOptions for table caption prefix in order to print it in NON-English language and in the next line I call pander function with specified caption argument.
以下是R Markdown代码的相关部分:
Here is relevant part of R Markdown code:
title: "Let's try!"
author: "Newbie_R"
date: "Monday, December 15, 2014"
output: pdf_document
```{r setoptions, echo = F, message=FALSE}
library (knitr)
library (pander)
opts_chunk$set(echo = F)
```{r DF}
vm <- 3/2 + 4/2
jl <- vm
ik <- 2+4
sr <- 3 + 4/2
lb <- 4
dk <- 3
zb <- 3
ss <- 2
DF <- data.frame (VM = vm,
JL = jl,
IK = ik,
SR = sr,
LB = lb,
DK = dk,
ZB = zb,
SS = ss)
Try to make a table!!!
```{r panderTable}
panderOptions("table.caption.prefix", "XXXXXX 1: ")
pander (DF, caption = "This is a very long table's title that should be printed above the table; Also, I would like format it to match boundaries of a length of the table")
The output is not the way I would like. I want to:
position table's title (caption) above the table
format length of table's title in a way that matches length of the table (wrap text within table's boundaries)
move table a bit bellow "Try to make a table!!!" text which is not a part of the r code chunk. Note that the "Try to make a table" text is more closer to the table compared to the table's title.
This link will direct to the original output. Instead to that one, I want to make something like this.
在此GitHub网页,您可以找到有关将标题放在表格顶部的选项的问题. @daroczig 说,这不是与pander相关的问题.但是他建议如何实现.我应该在哪里将代码行放在@daroczig建议的下面?
On this GitHub web page, one can find issue regarding option to place title on the top of a table. @daroczig said that it is not an issue connected with pander. However he suggested how it could be achieved. Where should I put code lines provided below which @daroczig suggested?
Well, this is not a pander
and not even a markdown issue as Pandoc's mardown has a definite syntax on where to put the caption: it should be placed below the table in markdown.
But after transforming markdown to HTML or PDF, you had the freedom to (re)place that caption wherever you wish, as Pandoc converted the markdown table to a regular table
LaTeX environment, which could be easily customized by the above referenced floatrow
Unfortunately this is no longer possible, as Pandoc uses longtable
instead of table
or ctable
, where the placement of caption is defined by Pandoc's version: it used to put the caption below the table, but since a recent commit, captions are placed above tables. For more details, see the related thread on Pandoc's maillist.
这篇关于如何定位和设置表格标题的长度[R Markdown,pander包]的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!