


Para. A ...

Para. B ...

Para. C ...


How can one have LaTeX automatically number them, i.e.

1. Para. A. ...

2. Para. B. ...

3. Para. C. ...


% Use a generous paragraph indent so numbers can be fit inside the
% indentation space.

从此处开始: comp.text.tex:回复:如何在LaTeX中为段落编号吗?

然后在要编号的每个段落前面使用\ N,即

Then use \N in front of every paragraph-to-be-numbered, i.e.

\N Para. A. ...

\N Para. B. ...

\N Para. C. ...

我还看到了 Sarovar numberpar ,但两者均被称为不稳定"或不可预测",还有随机中断"之类的东西,这让我很警惕.

I've also seen references to Sarovar and numberpar, but both are referred to as "unstable" or "unpredictable", and things like "randomly breaks", which makes me wary.


I'd like some input on what may be the best course of action, here, and I think it's a topic worth some discussion.


Thank you for your interest and attention to this.


\item Para No. 1
\item Para No. 2


However it results in typesetting problems, notably because I am interspersing section headings ala.

\item Para No. 1
\item Para No. 2
\section{Part II}
\item Para No. 5
\item Para No. 6


and the section heading "Part II" will sometimes end up at the very bottom of the page (i.e. it doesn't keep with the following text).



I think there are three possible solutions (at least!) which don't involve rolling your own or someone else's macro, depending on exactly what you are trying to do.

1如果整个文档中都需要编号,请使用\paragraph,这是较低级别的分段命令(例如\ chapter,\ section,\ subsection等)

1 If the numbering is required throughout the document, use \paragraph, which is a lower-level sectioning command (like \chapter, \section, \subsection, etc.)

有关更多信息,请参见 LaTeX Wikibook .

See the LaTeX wikibook for more information.

\paragraph{If we want to} do something ...


(You may find this overkill/ugly, because it needs a properly nested structure of sections and subsections not to be)


Note that if your using the memoir document class (which I recommend unhesitatingly), the \setcounter line becomes \maxsecnumdepth{paragraph}


2 If it's just a small piece, use a list:

\item Para No. 1
\item Para No. 2

3如果要调整格式,则可以使用广义列表(\begin{list}...\end{list{}).除了 LaTeX指南

3 Or a generalized list (\begin{list}...\end{list{}) if you want to tweak the formatting. I haven't immediately been able to find a good online reference for this, other than the piece in A Guide to LaTeX


08-31 07:09