

我的工作对MS Word 2007中共享插件,我想添加一个按钮时,选定的文本是正确的点击会弹出。所附的快照会更清楚一些。

I am working on a shared addin for MS Word 2007. I would like to add a button which pops up when selected text is right clicked. The attached snapshot should make this clear.

目前,用户必须选择文本,然后单击自定义控制按钮。 。这将是一个容易得多,如果选择文本后,他/她可以右键单击它,然后按在弹出的相关按钮

Currently, the user has to select the text and then click a button on a custom control. It would be a lot easier if after selecting the text, s/he could right click it and press the relevant button in the popup.



Here is how this can be done...

Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar cellbar = diff.CommandBars["Text"];
Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton button = (Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton)cellbar.FindControl(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, 0, "MYRIGHTCLICKMENU", Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
if (button == null)
   // add the button
   button = (Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarButton)cellbar.Controls.Add(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, cellbar.Controls.Count + 1, true);
   button.Caption = "My Right Click Menu Item";
   button.BeginGroup = true;
   button.Tag = "MYRIGHTCLICKMENU";
   button.Click += new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(MyButton_Click);


08-31 07:00