I have no idea how to explain this well, so please bear with me.
我试图将彼此相邻的相似行分组,忽略第n + 1行如果它是相同的。我不确定这是否容易在MySQL中完成。这些行不共享描述以外的其他属性。如果还有其他重复的描述不相邻,我仍然希望将它们返回。
I am trying to group similar rows that are right next to each other, essentially ignoring the n+1th row if it's the same. I'm not sure if this is easy to do in MySQL or not. These rows share no other attribute other than the description. If there are other duplicate "descriptions" that are NOT next to each other, I still want them to be returned.
I have a table full of entries similar to this:
|id|description |
| 1|hello |
| 2|foobar | \_ Condense these into one row
+--+-------------------------+ /
| 3|foobar |
| 4|hello |
| 5|world | \__ Condense these into a row
+--+-------------------------+ /
| 6|world |
| 7|puppies |
| 8|kittens | \__ These too...
+--+-------------------------+ /
| 9|kittens |
|10|sloths |
|11|kittens |
您可以使用巧妙的技巧来做到这一点。诀窍是从描述的 id
You can do this by using a clever trick. The trick is to count the number of descriptions up to a particular id that are different from the description at that id
. For values in a sequence, this number will be the same.
In MySQL you can do this count using a correlated subquery. The rest is just grouping by this field to bring the values together:
select min(id) as id, description, count(*) as numCondensed
from (select t.*,
(select count(*)
from table t2
where t2.id <= t.id and t2.description <> t.description
) as grp
from table t
) t
group by description, grp;