



I have managed to get the code to work to move the check the names and move then to the correct sheets.


The problem i am having is checking if the sheets exists. If it finds a match in the sheet and column 2 in the combobox but there is no sheet for the value then it crashes the code.

  1. 将所有信息复制到相关表格后,我希望显示一个msgbox,告诉用户有多少行数据被复制到相应的表格。

  1. Once all the information has been copied to the relevant sheets, i would like it to display a msgbox telling the user how many rows of data have been copied to the respective sheets.

Dim i As Long, j As Long, lastG As Long, strWS As String, rngCPY As Range

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.CutCopyMode = False
End With

On Error GoTo bm_Close_Out

' find last row
lastG = sheets("Global").Cells(Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).row

For i = 3 To lastG
    lookupVal = sheets("Global").Cells(i, "Q") ' value to find
    ' loop over values in "details"
    For j = 0 To Me.ComboBox2.ListCount - 1
        currVal = Me.ComboBox2.List(j, 2) ' value to match
        If lookupVal = currVal Then
            Set rngCPY = sheets("Global").Cells(i, "Q").EntireRow
            strWS = Me.ComboBox2.List(j, 1)
            On Error GoTo bm_Need_Worksheet  '<~~ if the worksheet in the next line does not exist, go make one
            With Worksheets(strWS)
                .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Insert shift:=xlDown
            End With
        End If
    Next j
Next i

GoTo bm_Close_Out

On Error GoTo 0
With Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim wsTemplate As Worksheet: Set wsTemplate = wb.sheets("Template")
Dim wsPayment As Worksheet: Set wsPayment = wb.sheets("Payment Form")
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Dim lastRow2 As Long
Dim Contract As String: Contract = sheets("Payment Form").Range("C9").value
Dim SpacePos As Integer: SpacePos = InStr(Contract, "- ")
Dim Name As String: Name = Left(Contract, SpacePos)
Dim Name2 As String: Name2 = Right(Contract, Len(Contract) - Len(Name))

Dim NewName As String: NewName = strWS
Dim CCName As Variant: CCName = Me.ComboBox2.List(j, 0)

Dim lastRow As Long: lastRow = wsPayment.Range("U36:U53").End(xlDown).row

If InStr(1, sheets("Payment Form").Range("A20").value, "THE VAT SHOWN IS YOUR OUTPUT TAX DUE TO CUSTOMS AND EXCISE") > 0 Then
lastRow2 = wsPayment.Range("A23:A39").End(xlDown).row
lastRow2 = wsPayment.Range("A18:A34").End(xlDown).row
End If

wsTemplate.Visible = True
wsTemplate.Copy before:=sheets("Details"): Set wsNew = ActiveSheet
wsTemplate.Visible = False

If InStr(1, sheets("Payment Form").Range("A20").value, "THE VAT SHOWN IS YOUR OUTPUT TAX DUE TO CUSTOMS AND EXCISE") > 0 Then
With wsPayment
    For Each cell In .Range("A23:A39")
        If Len(cell) = 0 Then
            If sheets("Payment Form").Range("A20").value = "Network" Then
                cell.value = NewName & " - " & Name2 & ": " & CCName
                cell.value = NewName & " - " & Name2 & ": " & CCName
            End If
            Exit For
        End If
    Next cell
End With
With wsPayment
    For Each cell In .Range("A18:A34")
        If Len(cell) = 0 Then
            If sheets("Payment Form").Range("A20").value = "Network" Then
                cell.value = NewName & " - " & Name2 & ": " & CCName
                cell.value = NewName & " - " & Name2 & ": " & CCName
            End If
            Exit For
        End If
    Next cell
End With
End If

If InStr(1, sheets("Payment Form").Range("A20").value, "THE VAT SHOWN IS YOUR OUTPUT TAX DUE TO CUSTOMS AND EXCISE") > 0 Then
With wsNew
    .Name = NewName
    .Range("D4").value = wsPayment.Range("A23:A39").End(xlDown).value
    .Range("D6").value = wsPayment.Range("L11").value
    .Range("D8").value = wsPayment.Range("C9").value
    .Range("D10").value = wsPayment.Range("C11").value
End With
With wsNew
    .Name = NewName
    .Range("D4").value = wsPayment.Range("A18:A34").End(xlDown).value
    .Range("D6").value = wsPayment.Range("L11").value
    .Range("D8").value = wsPayment.Range("C9").value
    .Range("D10").value = wsPayment.Range("C11").value
End With
End If


With wsPayment
    .Range("J" & lastRow2 + 1).value = 0
    .Range("L" & lastRow2 + 1).Formula = "=N" & lastRow2 + 1 & "-J" & lastRow2 + 1 & ""
    .Range("N" & lastRow2 + 1).Formula = "='" & NewName & "'!L20"
    .Range("U" & lastRow + 1).value = NewName & ": "
    .Range("V" & lastRow + 1).Formula = "='" & NewName & "'!I21"
    .Range("W" & lastRow + 1).Formula = "='" & NewName & "'!I23"
    .Range("X" & lastRow + 1).Formula = "='" & NewName & "'!K21"
End With
End With

On Error GoTo bm_Close_Out


With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
.CutCopyMode = True
End With


With help from Jeeped I have manage to get the code for copying the rows to the relevant sheets, and if the sheet doesn't exists then it create it. I just need help with problem two above.


尝试使用会引发错误。如果您遇到该错误并使用您要查找的名称创建工作表,则可以将 Resume 恢复到抛出错误的位置并继续处理。 p>

Attempting to use a Worksheet Object that does not exist throws an error. If you catch that error and create a worksheet with the name that you are looking for, you can Resume back to the point where the error was thrown and continue your processing.

Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, lastG As Long, strWS As String, strMSG As String
    dim rngHDR as range, rngCPY aS range

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
        .CutCopyMode = False
    End With

    On Error GoTo bm_Close_Out

    ' find last row
    lastG = Sheets("Global").Cells(Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).Row

    For i = 3 To lastG
        lookupVal = Sheets("Global").Cells(i, "Q") ' value to find
        ' loop over values in "details"
        For j = 0 To Me.ComboBox2.ListCount - 1
            currVal = Me.ComboBox2.List(j, 2) ' value to match
            If lookupVal = currVal Then
                set rngHDR = Sheets("Global").Cells(1, "Q").EntireRow
                set rngCPY = Sheets("Global").Cells(i, "Q").EntireRow
                strWS = Me.ComboBox2.List(j, 1)
                On Error GoTo bm_Need_Worksheet  '<~~ if the worksheet in the next line does not exist, go make one
                With WorkSheets(strWS)
                     rngCPY .copy
                    .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Insert shift:=xlDown
                End With
                exit for
            End If
        Next j
        if j >= Me.ComboBox2.ListCount then _
            strMSG = strMSG & "Not found: " & lookupVal & chr(10)
    Next i

GoTo bm_Close_Out

    On Error GoTo 0
    With Worksheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
        .Name = strWS
        'maybe make a header row here; watch out you do not lose your copy
        rngHDR.copy destination:=.cells(1, 1)
    End With
    On Error GoTo bm_Close_Out

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
        .CutCopyMode = False
    End With
    debug.print strMSG
    'the next is NOT recommended as strMSG could possibly be VERY long
    'if cbool(len(strMSG)) then msgbox strMSG
End Sub


There is a question about whether the new worksheet needs a column header label row but that should be fairly easily rectified.


08-31 06:10