

在R中进行一些文本数据清除时,我可以找到一些特殊字符。为了摆脱它们,我必须知道它们的unicode,例如€是\u20AC。我想知道是否有可能通过函数将特定字符内的字符串作为输入来查看 Unicode?

When doing some textual data cleaning in R, I can found some special characters. In order to get rid of them, I have to know their unicodes, for example € is \u20AC. I would like to know if it is possible "see" the unicodes with a function that take into account the string within the special character as an input?


请参阅Cath注释, iconv 可以完成以下工作:

Refering to Cath comment, iconv can do the job :

iconv("é", toRaw = TRUE)

然后,您可能想取消列表并粘贴 \u00

Then, you may want to unlist and paste with \u00.


08-31 05:55