


I'm creating a small image upload validator for this printing company, they need to make sure that an uploaded image has a color space of either CMYK or PMS.


This is what I'm using right now:

Image img = Image.FromStream(fupFile.PostedFile.InputStream);
ImageFlags flags = (ImageFlags)Enum.Parse(typeof(ImageFlags), img.Flags.ToString());

然后我可以检查标志,其中包含类似部分可扩展的内容| ColorSpaceCmyk | HasRealPixelSize。这里有更多信息:

I can then check flags, which will contain something like "Partially Scalable | ColorSpaceCmyk | HasRealPixelSize". There's more info on it here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.imaging.imageflags.aspx


Notice that there is no flag for a PMS color space. Is there a way to check that?


Also, some files I upload, they don't have a color space flag at all. Does that mean that the color space can't be recognized?


I'm also wondering if this is a foolproof way to check the color space, or if there is a better strategy?



I've been looking around, and I guess you can get a lot of data from the image's metadata. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xddt0dz7%28v=VS.90%29.aspx


Does anyone know if the metadata contains the image's color space?


PMS 是一个色彩空间,而是一个色彩匹配系统(PANTONE色彩匹配系统) 。我非常怀疑你会发现任何流行的位图图像文件编解码器,它采用这种编码像素颜色的方法。相反,他们将PANTONE颜色编码为CMYK或RGB(或者可能是另一种颜色模型)之一。

PMS is not a color space, rather it is a system of color matching (PANTONE Color Matching System). I seriously doubt you will find any popular bitmap image file codecs that employ this method of encoding pixel color. Rather they will encode the PANTONE color as one of CMYK or RGB (or perhaps another color model).


Vector file formats like Postscript or PDF may embed spot colors that contain the PMS reference, however, even those formats usually need the RGB or CMYK equivalent of the PMS number.


The best method of determining an images color model is to know and understand the file format itself. It is not hard to read and parse the raw file headers to determine if the underlying data is stored as CMYK, RGB, etc...

强大的工具包,例如Leadtools ,可以使这项任务比从.NET收集的任何内容更容易,更准确。

Robust toolkits, such as Leadtools, may make this task a bit easier and more accurate than anything you will gather from .NET.


08-31 05:45