我正在尝试创建一个扭曲的图像,其中边框填充像素是透明的.我知道我可以使用BORDER_CONSTANT = BORDER_TRANSPARENT.但这是通过以下方式实现的:
I am trying to create a warped image where the border padding pixels are transparent. I know I can use the BORDER_CONSTANT = BORDER_TRANSPARENT. But this works by:
So to make border pixels transparent, do I need to start with a transparent image. Like this example:
int cols; // filled
int rows; // filled
Mat myImage; // filled
Mat warpMatrix (3, 4, CV_32FC1); // filled
Mat myWarpedImage;
myWarpedImage.create((cols, rows, CV_8UC4, Scalar(0,0,0,0)); // set all pixels to black, alpha = 0
warpPerspective(myImage, myWarpedImage, warpMatrix, Size(cols, rows), WARP_INVERSE_MAP, BORDER_TRANSPARENT);
This doesn't seem to work. My warped image still has black background with no transparency (when I check it some photo editing software like GIMP).
... and the way to make the input image a four channel image is
cv::cvtColor(myImage, myImage, CV_BGR2BGRA);