

我正在尝试在svg文件的多边形上绘制标签.我面临的问题是大致找出该多边形的中心以放置标签,因为路径的坐标为svg格式,需要解析.有没有更简单的方法来确定svg多边形的中心(也许有人可以指出javascript库或代码段)?我正在使用Raphael javascript库来处理svg,但似乎并没有超出标准的svg功能.

I'm trying to draw a label on a polygon of an svg file. The problem I'm facing is to find out roughly the center of this polygon to place the label, as the path's coordinates are in svg format and need to be parsed. Is there an easier way to determine the center of an svg polygon (maybe someone can point out a javascript library or a snippet)? I'm using Raphael javascript library to manipulate the svg, but it doesn't seem to go beyond the standard svg functionality.


基于SVG DOM方法,您可以尝试以下近似方法来执行类似于多边形建议的操作:

You could try the following approximation for doing something similar to the polygon suggestion, based on SVG DOM methods:

var totalPathLength = pathelm.getTotalLength();
var step = totalPathLength / 100;
for(var dist=0; dist < totalPathLength; dist+=step)
  var pt = pathelm.getPointAtLength(dist);
  addToAverage(pt.x, pt.y);


I think the simplest approach is to use the center of the path element's boundingbox (pathelm.getBBox()), that's simpler than the polygon suggestion.


08-31 04:25