




While doing regex find-and-replace in text file, I wanna jump over & ignore certain segments of the text. That is, certain parts of the text should be excluded from the search, and only do search & replace in the remaining parts. The criteria is:

(1)在 START END 应该从搜索&中排除。更换。
START 可能不在行首;
END 可能不在行尾;
一对 START & END 可能跨越多行;

(1) anything between START and END should be excluded from the search & replace. START may or may not be at the start of a line; END may or may not be at the end of a line; one pair of START & END may span multiple lines;

(2)带有内联注释的任何内容 // 应该被忽略;
// 可能不在行首;

(2) anything wihtin inline comment // should be ignored; // may or may not be at the start of line;


(3) the first word after . should be ignored; . may or may not be at the start of a line; the word may immediately follow . or with spaces, newlines, tabs splitting them.


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

$/ = undef;

#iterate the DATA filehandle
while (<DATA>) {
    # This one replaces ALL occurrences of pattern.

    # How do I skip the unwanted segments and do the replace?
    #print all

##inlined data filehandle for testing.
xx START xx old xx END xx   --> ignore
xx old xx                   --> REPLACE !
START xx old                --> ignore
      xx old xx END         --> ignore
      xx old xx             --> REPLACE !
// xx old                   --> ignore
xx // xx old                --> ignore
xx . old old xx             --> ignore first one, replace second one
  old                       --> ignore
  (old) xx                  --> REPLACE !
xx old xx                   --> REPLACE !


xx START xx old xx END xx   --> ignore
xx new xx                   --> REPLACE !
START xx old                --> ignore
      xx old xx END         --> ignore
      xx new xx             --> REPLACE !
// xx old                   --> ignore
xx // xx old                --> ignore
xx . old new xx             --> ignore first one, replace second one
  old                       --> ignore
  (new) xx                  --> REPLACE !
xx new xx                   --> REPLACE !

有人可以在这里使用正则表达式帮助我吗?几个小时前,我发布了一个类似的问题,但该帖子含糊不清,因此无法给出明确的答案。希望这篇文章可能是一个好& 清除问题。

Can anyone help me with the regex here? I posted a similar question couple of hours ago, but that post was full of ambiguities and precludes a clear answer. Hopefully this post may be a "good" & "clear" question.



You can use (*SKIP)(*F) verbs to skip something.


这:(?:第1部分跳过|第2部分跳过| ...)(* SKIP)(* F) | 部分要匹配

  • (? :打开进行替换(?s: s 以使点匹配换行符

  • \w 匹配 [A-Za-z0-9 _]

  • \b 匹配

  • (?: opens a non capture group for alternation (?s: with s flag to make dot match newline
  • \w matches a word character [A-Za-z0-9_]
  • \b matches a word boundary


08-31 04:11