我有一个使用 swiftUI 2.0 PageTabViewStyle 的 TabView.有什么办法可以禁止滑动换页吗?
I have a TabView thats using the swiftUI 2.0 PageTabViewStyle. Is there any way to disable the swipe to change pages?
I have a search bar in my first tab view, but if a user is typing, I don't want to give the ability to change they are on, I basically want it to be locked on to that screen until said function is done.
这是一个显示差异的 gif,我希望在 gif 全屏时禁用选项卡更改.https://imgur.com/GrqcGCI
Here's a gif showing the difference, I'm looking to disable tab changing when it's full screen in the gif.https://imgur.com/GrqcGCI
Try something like the following (tested with some stub code). The idea is to block tab view drag gesture when some condition (in you case start editing) happens
@State var isSearching = false
// ... other code
TabView {
// ... your code here
.gesture(isSearching ? DragGesture() : nil) // blocks TabView gesture !!
.tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle(indexDisplayMode: .always))
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