我希望创建一个菜单布局类似于 amazon.com 的网页,我可以在其中嵌套菜单并在每个菜单项下方包含小说明文本.
I am looking to create a web page with a menu layout similar to amazon.com where I could have nested menus and include the small description text below each menu item.
在我开始从头开始创建之前,我想看看是否有模仿这种布局和功能的 jquery 插件
Before I start to create this from scratch, I wanted to see if there a jquery plugin that mimics this layout and functionality
这是一个完全相似 http://jsfiddle.net/blackpla9ue/KHLgm/8/
我设法在几分钟内完成了一个仅使用 CSS 的快速解决方案.将鼠标悬停在下拉菜单的第二个菜单项上.
A quick CSS only solution I managed to get done in a few minutes. Hover on the 2nd menu item for the dropdown.
Its pretty simple and straightforward and If you need any modifications added to that just let me know.